Sunday, December 25, 2016

How the love substance evaporates from the bodies

Every time you are thinking in hate, speaking in hate, acting in hate, you are ruining your aura. If in the future we put you in front of those big machines, which are going to come, immediately scientists will say there is a spot in your mental body and it is degenerating, going toward cancer. All diseases start from the higher realms because when love evaporates, darkness comes. There is no vacuum in you. When love comes, hatred goes.

Absence of love is the presence of anger, fear, hatred, jealousy, revenge, treason, slander, vanity, ego, fanaticism, separatism, greed, crimes, and wars. I call these fourteen the evils that make humanity unhappy, families unhappy, man unhappy, groups unhappy. No matter if only one or two of them are there, they are like an octopus in relation to each other. They invite each other in.

When you start blaming, criticizing, hindering, slandering, belittling, insulting, you are losing the substance of love from your bodies and exposing them to destructive attacks. Many times your destruction comes when you slander people and empty yourself of the love substance.

-Torkom Saraydarian
Esoteric Science of Healing

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