Thursday, January 05, 2017

All that occurs in the Subtle Worlds and here on earth is on record

It is very important to emphasize that the consciousness registers all that we do on all levels; it keeps these records in the permanent atoms and in the Chalice. When one passes away, he does not necessarily remember his past. Also, when he incarnates, he does not necessarily remember his experiences in the Subtle Worlds. Unless the Antahkarana is built, certain periods of life, both here and there, are left blank.

The records are stored in the atoms and in the Chalice, and they are also locked into the subconscious mind so that the consciousness is not limited, disturbed, or glamored by past records. In a normal state of mind, they are stored until the consciousness starts to function on the highest level of the mental plane and the Antahkarana is built between the lower and the higher mind and also between the higher mind and the Spiritual Triad.

It is possible to force the consciousness through drugs, hypnosis, or certain psychological techniques to remember certain events whose records are stored in the Chalice, permanent atoms, or subconscious mind. The results of this forcing are as follows:

1. Partial or distorted information is received.
2. The laws of Nature are violated.
3. Pressure is placed upon the permanent atoms and Chalice.
4. Negative physical effects on various glands occur.

The important point to remember is that all that occurs in the Subtle Worlds and here on earth is on record. The consciousness has access to these records if it is expanded purified, and connected with the centers to a certain degree. When Judgment Day comes, you and your consciousness will be able to see all that is recorded and decide your own destiny with absolute accuracy and righteousness.

Thus, man is the manifestation of his own karma. He is his own verdict and his own judge because of the continuation of consciousness, life after life.

-Torkom Saraydarian
Consciousness vol.2

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