Thursday, March 30, 2017

It is YOU that builds your genes

I was reading in a medical book that the genes and DNA control the muscles, the glands, the behaviors, and the consciousness of people, but the doctors do not dare to question how these formations of genes came into being. How is it that you have cancer in your genes, or tuberculosis, and others do not? Is God really so unrighteous to create good genes in you and bad genes in them? Some doctors never dare to talk about these things because they are scared! Even if they know a little, they don't want to discuss these things because it affects their income, and for some their income is more important than your health problems.

Your thinking, your emotions, your actions, your speech create those recordings in your permanent atoms that eventually produce your genes. It is YOU that builds your genes. No one else builds them. God is not so crazy as to sit there and prescribe genes for you. Your genes are made by your own hands, by your own thoughts, by your own mouth, by your solar plexus or heart. The way that you are living and acting and relating to people creates your genes. That is why whatever you are, you are! You created it.

-Torkom Saraydarian
Esoteric Science of Healing

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