Thursday, March 30, 2017

The Subtle World is the replica of the dense world

The Subtle World is the replica of the dense world - the life there is almost similar to the life we have here, but it is in astral matter. The life there runs almost like here. People do business, go to hospitals, drive, walk, until they emancipate themselves from the impressions of the Subtle World.

The illusion is so great that they live there exactly in the way they were living in the dense world. There are also wars there, armies and military equipment, and they hurt each other as they do here. There are millions of businesses and people who help each other, cooperate with each other, kill each other, wipe out each other for the sake of business, and make money in the subtle plane, money that they do not need at all.

Why does this happen? It is because people carry with them the earthly consciousness. When they enter into the Subtle World they think they are still in the dense world. If people do not have knowledge about the Subtle World and have not developed continuity of consciousness, they do not see any difference between the dense and the Subtle World and they continue their life as they were living in the dense world. This is because the life in the Subtle World is the projection of that which is in their consciousness.

Teachers or awakened people come to the Subtle World and try to help people there and tell them that this is a world of glamors and illusions, and urge them to detach themselves and prepare to enter the Fiery World. Of course the same thing happens there as here; people do not listen to those who want to awaken us.

-Torkom Saraydarian
Passage to Higher Worlds

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