Sunday, September 10, 2017

Communication with the dead will not help to solve our problems

Communication with average dead people on the astral plane will not give us a great advantage to solve our problems. If people are of no help when alive, how will they help when dead, since they are one and the same?

Dying does not make people enlightened. The dead have the same psychology as they had on the physical plane. The difference is that, instead of living in their physical bodies with their habits, urges, and drives, they are now living in their astral bodies with their glamors and illusions, sometimes amplified to a greater degree.

Instead of communicating with the dead, one must communicate with those who are beyond the planes of the dead, namely, beyond the etheric, astral, and lower mental planes. These are the members of the Hierarchy and the Christ. We must design the device to concentrate our thoughts, reach Them, and wait for answers. Of course, we will experience many hoaxes, many messages coming from astral dwellers. Eventually we will formulate the signs of true communication with the Masters. Only the Hierarchy can lead us and show us the way of salvation.

-Torkom Saraydarian
Other Worlds

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