Saturday, September 16, 2017

Whenever you wish bad for others, it turns into a wish for yourself

Whenever you wish bad for others, it turns into a wish for yourself in the subconscious mind. The subconscious mind does not discriminate between you and others, but it forces the hypnotic suggestion to actualize itself every time it is restimulated.

You become the target of your own arrows. In ten minutes of jealousy and hatred, you build a one hundred foot long video recording in your subconscious mind.

Some sicknesses are built in the same manner. You identify with sick people and you imagine you are sick. You imagine the drama of being sick. Then you play back the recording factually in your life and call it an attack.

In Asia it is forbidden to talk in front of children about the sicknesses of other people or to discuss surgical and hospital experiences. They think that a child may identify himself with what is told and record it as a posthypnotic suggestion in his subconscious mind. Years later the child may fall sick because of the recording.

-Torkom Saraydarian
Esoteric Science of Healing

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