Monday, January 22, 2018

Negative people

Negative people have no appreciation. I have seldom heard words or expressions of appreciation from negative persons. Most everything they say is negative. They lack appreciation. By learning about these negative things, you can start thinking that the cure for this kind of negativity is mentally to create their opposites. For example, if people are unappreciative, you can teach them the science of how to appreciate people.

Negative people always make others worthless. Even if people have done great things, a negative person will find something to convince you that they are worthless people. These are signs that you are going to watch for in people.

Negative people always try to find an ugly motive behind your actions. It is very difficult to deal with these people because in everything they say, there is something negative, destructive, and ugly. This condition is so contagious that eventually you believe what they are doing. You think that they are very discriminative, have sharp eyes,  and see exactly what is going on. You lose your positivity and join them. Nothing is beautiful for them; nothing is glorious or admirable for them. If two people walk together, a negative person will say, "You know why they are together." If two people are eating together, they find various negative motives behind it. This is what negativity is.

Negative people like to gossip. They gossip continuously. When they sit down with you at dinner, or when they travel with you, they immediately open their big mouth and start criticizing and gossiping. Gossip and criticism are nothing else but seeing the negative side of things. They are not offering constructive criticism. It is not intended to correct others or give them a new light, a new explanation; it is destructive criticism.

Negative people try to find the weaknesses of other people.

Negative people speak about their ill health.

Negative persons think that everyone is inferior to them.

Negative people speak about their bad childhood.

Negative people speak badly about others, especially about their parents. They speak very badly, of course, about their teachers because they hallucinate and project whatever negativity they have on their teachers, on their parents. But you can learn something very important from them. By studying a negative person you find exactly what he is, truly, within himself. Whatever negativity he is speaking about others, that negativity is in him.

-Torkom Saraydarian
Self-Actualization & Self-Mastery

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