Monday, January 22, 2018

Try to create admiration

Are you an admirable husband? If your wife is not admiring you, be careful. She looks to somebody for admire. That is why some women fall in love with their priests, actors, presidents, and the husband wonders why. It is because they need to admire someone. They cannot live without admiration. It is so important to remember this. Try to be an object of admiration for your wife, husband, or children. Children must admire their parents. "My daddy is so bright, so good." Admiration destroys negativity.

In your business, in any relationship, in your marriage, let your husband or wife admire you. You have his love when he admires you. A lady who came for counselling told me that her husband was losing interest in her. I said, "I would do the same." She asked, "Why?" Observe how you are dressed. Look at your face, your hair." She said, "You are not supposed to say these things." I said, "I am old-fashioned man. I do not have the science of counseling with flattery. I tell things the right way to people's face. Who is going to be interested in you? Look at your shoes." I said, "Eat a little bit less. How can your husband be interested in you when you are carrying a five hundred pound load behind you?"

Work on yourself. Try to create admiration. People must admire your body, your emotions, your voice, your hair. If you are going to impose yourself on others to make them admire you, it will not succeed. "Here I am as I am. Either he loves me or not." It does not work like that.

-Torkom Saraydarian
Self-Actualization & Self-Mastery

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