Wednesday, February 28, 2018

If you do things intellectually only, you destroy yourself.

You do things intellectually but without love. If you do things intellectually only, you destroy yourself. That is why our civilization is destroying itself. Scientists created the atomic bomb, atomic radiation, atomic leakage. They created. They wanted to destroy enemies, intellectually. Now our lands, lakes, and oceans are all polluted because there was no love in it, and there was no willpower in it. They created through the intellect.

It is very serious and very, very clear, but who is seeing it? They are not seeing it. A scientist is sitting there and thinking, "What can I make so that eventually in one moment I can destroy a city, I can destroy civilization, I can destroy nations?" It is pure intellect. Pure intellect destroys itself. You must mix with intellect some mixture of love.

If you use only your intellectual energies, you always create physical sickness. If you use only your love energies, you create emotional sickness. If you use your will energies alone, you create brain sickness, nervous sickness. Most of your sicknesses are the result of disproportional use of these three energies.

It is like chemistry. You have three chemicals. If you use them individually, one burns, one extinguishes, one destroys, but the three together enhance your health.

-Torkom Saraydarian
Self-Actualization & Self-Mastery

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