Friday, March 02, 2018

When people flatter us, how can we stop that from building our ego?

Q: When people flatter us or give us compliments, how can we stop that from building our ego?

A: You cannot stop the person. The person will say, "I love you. You are so beautiful." You give cars to them. You write letters to them to flatter them. It is disgusting. You encourage them in their attitude. You must watch yourself. You cannot control others.

You must watch your reaction, whether you are responding or reacting. In this case you must react. You must say, "I am not really that man whom you are praising."

A wise man said, "Whenever a man praises me, I remember my sins." You remember your sins -- for example, when someone is saying to me, "You are the most wonderful this and that," I remember what I did wrong in the past. I say, "Ah, this is false praise." You escape that way. You do not listen to that anymore. Why are you flattering me? "You are the most honest man." Really? Maybe I did in the past many dishonest things. I remember that. When I remember, I do not pay attention to their flattery. This is the first practical answer.

-Torkom Saraydarian
Self-Actualization & Self-Mastery

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