Tuesday, April 03, 2018

Connection with God creates magnetism and draws to you all those who will help you

Connection with God creates magnetism, and magnetism draws to you all those people who will help you carry out a mission. You can find co-workers in your office, in your business, and also in your family life. Ideally, a family is a team of co-workers.

I remember my grandmother, who lived to be ninety-six years old. There were almost eighty family members living in our very large home, and she was the fulcrum, the magnet of the family. All the family members --doctors, lawyers, philosophers-- used to ask her advice for their problems.

One day one of the lawyers in our family went to grandmother for some personal advice. I was curious why a lawyer would need advice from her, so I sneaked in to listen. He said, "My wife and I are having trouble; she is bothering me. Do you have any suggestions?" "Shame on you!" she said. "You are a lawyer. Can't you find the ways and means to please your wife and make her please you? Get out! I don't want to see your face until you solve your problem." An hour later he returned to say, "We did it. Everything is fine, and we are happy now." Then grandmother said to him, "First practice law in your home, then later in the marketplace."

My grandmother could keep our whole family of eighty people together as co-workers. I remember one day we needed a bridge built on our property. At dinner she said to everyone, "We must have a bridge. What is the matter with all of you?" Three days later, that bridge was built. She never gave an order; she just made suggestions. She got the family to do things with her magnetism.

One day I asked her, "Grandmother, what is the source of your power?" She said, "You sleep here with me tonight and you will see." At two o' clock in the morning she knelt down and started to pray and meditate. "Lord, illuminate my mind, give strength to my heart, and energize my body. I need You to guide this family." I looked around to see to whom she was talking, but no one was there. At four-thirty, she got up again and prayed some more. It was magnificent; I felt energy all around the room.

Later in the morning, Grandmother asked me, "Did you see where my power is coming from?" "Yes," I said, "I saw it. I felt your power." Then I immediately gathered a group of my friends and proudly announced, "My grandmother speaks with God. That is why she is so powerful."

-Torkom Saraydarian
Meditation vol.1

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