Tuesday, April 10, 2018

Your enemies incarnate within your country...

Maybe you hate certain nations, but all nations are part of you. Whether you like it or not, it is there. Killing is not a good solution. If you kill eight hundred thousand people, in ten years they will incarnate in your country and make a mess there.

Your enemies incarnate within your country in order to destroy you from within. When you make an enemy, that enemy may be born in the next life within your family, group, and nation and do the same thing as you did to him -- of course with different ways and means.

Many troubles in nations are caused by our former enemies. They are part of our nation, but act against our national interest by making great political mistakes, selling drugs, or  misleading people in different ways. After the wars you can see many upheavals in victorious nations. There are always those who destroy the integrity of people, mislead the nation, and spread pollution, drugs, and prostitution if they cannot directly murder people to take their revenge from the past.

To end this vicious cycle we must train people from their childhood, educating them with the principles and ideas of world unity and synthesis, about the Law of Karma and Reincarnation, and in some way dispel their innate programming for revenge and hatred.

-Torkom Saraydarian
Cosmic Questions vol.3

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