Wednesday, July 04, 2018

Non-forgiveness ties you to the events that upset you

Non-forgiveness ties you to the events that upset you, and you cannot proceed to higher planes. In esoteric literature there are records of those people who could not progress from the astral plane to the mental plane because of their hatred. They had to wait for many thousands of years on the astral plane until they could forgive.

If you enter the lower levels of the astral plane with your revengeful, hateful thoughtforms, you have every kind of possibility there of taking revenge on people you hate, but you are creating an illusionary world for yourself. Anything you think on the astral plane turns into fact. You can take a cannon, shoot it at someone, and destroy him. Then the next day you see that he is alive. Then you take a knife and stab him, but the next day he is there again. You are in a nightmare.

One must be careful not to be caught in self-destructive thoughtforms.

-Torkom Saraydarian

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