Sunday, July 08, 2018

The planetary entity

What is the planetary entity? The Planetary physical body, the planetary astral body, and the planetary mental body have their entities, their elementals. An elemental is the soul of a body. The planet also has its entity that is the three entities united. They are trying to affect humanity by pulling it back to the most backward way of living, feeling, and thinking. This entity is pulling humanity down. If you feel this pull, that you are going from idealism toward materialism, from inclusiveness toward separatism, from love to hatred, from great unification processes into wasting sex processes, it means that you are involved in the hands of that elemental, and that elemental is going to make you a part of itself!

How are you going to reject this kind of energy that is coming to you? There is only one answer: increase your aspiration, your striving, and the desire to make yourself beautiful, pure, and creative. This is the only thing that you can do. If you do not do these three things, you will be caught in the hands of this entity.

The power of this entity is increasing. It is the time when this entity, developed to such a great degree, can make its presence felt everywhere. We see it through widespread drug problems pulling us down. Millions of tons of various drugs are found here and there, in every nation. Crime is increasing; stealing, dishonesty, killing are everywhere. Humanity is slowly going into this entity's "mouth", into its satanic power. Only rarely do we see love, respect, admiration, and striving for higher visions in families. We see very little of this. If you watch the news you can see what is happening. It is all sex, pleasure, hatred, exploitation, money, and such. It is swallowing you.

Disciples are going to be so alert and awake to be sure that this entity does not swallow them. Resist and reject being swallowed by that entity. Let me see if you can start fighting against it.

-Τορκόμ Σαραϊνταριάν
Human Nature

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