Thursday, March 17, 2016

When a person forces his way into the Intuitional Plane

Christ once said that those who enter the house from the windows are thieves. There are thieves who enter the Intuitional Plane through hallucinogenic drugs, alcohol, and so on. Because they are not trained, disciplined, and ready, they damage their brains and lose their logic – sometimes permanently.

When a person forces his way into the Intuitional Plane without preparation and through artificial means, he not only distorts his intuitional mechanism but he also harms his mental mechanism. When he returns to his level of focus in the personality, his consciousness functions by the impressions of the Intuitional Plane and loses the ability to handle the affairs of his personality.

This is a disturbance in equilibrium. Most mental illness and strange behaviors are related to such an experience. Sometimes it takes years of  heavy labor to anchor the consciousness again in the concrete mental plane and then cut the influence from the Intuitional Plane. This often leads the soul into gross materialism and pleasure-seeking efforts. For a long time, the evolution of such soul is delayed in the slums of material life. This is why Great Ones advise us to be very cautious and not force our nature by trying advanced meditation and religious or mystical practices or using any kind of mechanical means, such as drugs, chanting, or breathing exercises.

-Torkom Saraydarian
Consciousness vol.2

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