Thursday, March 30, 2017

Clean your mind from the false images about yourself and others

If you hate somebody, you imagine how ugly he is, and so on. You create a drama to justify your hatred. You justify your hatred because you have deceived yourself.

In order to hate somebody you create justification. And if that justification is wrong, you start working on something, doing something that is not based on any foundation at all. This kind of thinking within your mind creates storms, and then the rain comes. Try to clean your mind from the false images about yourself and others.

Also, people project their own ugliness on others and make them believe that they are ugly. In so doing, people also reinforce their own ugliness upon themselves. If they see beauty in others, they may impress the beauty on themselves.

-Torkom Saraydarian
Esoteric Science of Healing

It is YOU that builds your genes

I was reading in a medical book that the genes and DNA control the muscles, the glands, the behaviors, and the consciousness of people, but the doctors do not dare to question how these formations of genes came into being. How is it that you have cancer in your genes, or tuberculosis, and others do not? Is God really so unrighteous to create good genes in you and bad genes in them? Some doctors never dare to talk about these things because they are scared! Even if they know a little, they don't want to discuss these things because it affects their income, and for some their income is more important than your health problems.

Your thinking, your emotions, your actions, your speech create those recordings in your permanent atoms that eventually produce your genes. It is YOU that builds your genes. No one else builds them. God is not so crazy as to sit there and prescribe genes for you. Your genes are made by your own hands, by your own thoughts, by your own mouth, by your solar plexus or heart. The way that you are living and acting and relating to people creates your genes. That is why whatever you are, you are! You created it.

-Torkom Saraydarian
Esoteric Science of Healing

The Subtle World is the replica of the dense world

The Subtle World is the replica of the dense world - the life there is almost similar to the life we have here, but it is in astral matter. The life there runs almost like here. People do business, go to hospitals, drive, walk, until they emancipate themselves from the impressions of the Subtle World.

The illusion is so great that they live there exactly in the way they were living in the dense world. There are also wars there, armies and military equipment, and they hurt each other as they do here. There are millions of businesses and people who help each other, cooperate with each other, kill each other, wipe out each other for the sake of business, and make money in the subtle plane, money that they do not need at all.

Why does this happen? It is because people carry with them the earthly consciousness. When they enter into the Subtle World they think they are still in the dense world. If people do not have knowledge about the Subtle World and have not developed continuity of consciousness, they do not see any difference between the dense and the Subtle World and they continue their life as they were living in the dense world. This is because the life in the Subtle World is the projection of that which is in their consciousness.

Teachers or awakened people come to the Subtle World and try to help people there and tell them that this is a world of glamors and illusions, and urge them to detach themselves and prepare to enter the Fiery World. Of course the same thing happens there as here; people do not listen to those who want to awaken us.

-Torkom Saraydarian
Passage to Higher Worlds

Your greatness is equal to how much you make others great

Your greatness is equal to how much you make others great. By the greatness you create in others, your greatness will be measured. A great person is a person who creates great people around him or her.

The Tibetan Master says, "Many initiates, when coming to the portal of initiation, were refused." They asked, "Lord, what are You talking about? For eighty years we have done everything possible to be an initiate. We did it, and now that we have come to the door, why are You not opening it?" He will open the door and ask, "Whom did you bring?" "Nobody." "Get lost! You were working for yourself."

-Torkom Saraydarian
Virtues & Values vol.3

Monday, March 27, 2017

Do not let the potentials sleep within you

Do not let the potentials sleep within you. If you can paint, start painting If you can sing, start singing. If you want to compose music, compose it. Your talent must not be kept inside. It must come out. Maybe you have great national or international plans, or individual and group plans. Bring them out and share them with others. Show that you are an example of the vision that you have. This not only sublimates and transforms your life, it transforms also the lives of others. You will not have time for slander and criticism when you are occupied with bringing out your treasures and sharing them. Those who criticize and attack others prove that they have locked their treasure within themselves.

-Torkom Saraydarian
Virtues & Values vol.3

Thursday, March 23, 2017

Glamor - Illusion - Maya

Glamor sets in your nature as a result of seeing the world through your wishes, desires, and ambitions.

Illusion forms if a truth or a principle in your mind is mixed with self-interest, selfish plans, and goals. Thus truth is taken from its purity and mixed with your ever-changing self-image and self-projections.

Maya is the crystallization of the forces in your etheric body that prevent perfect circulation of energy, and you feel weak. It happens when certain energies and forces come through your other bodies to actualize. Before actualization they meet the resistance of your habits -- primarily sexual habits.

-Torkom Saraydarian
The Art of Teaching, p.424

The best thing for you at the present is to do meditation

With those people who are doing meditation you can see in their life that they are changing. I knew a lady. This lady was so tough. This lady was acting like a macho man. She can do everything, anything, swears, cusses. One day she came to me and said, "Do you think I am okay?" I said, "I see everything okay, but shall I give you a meditation to start doing?"

After doing three months of meditation, she came back and said, "I am very angry." "Why?" "You did not tell me I was a very bad bitch." "It is not my place to tell you that to you." "Why did you not tell me? I am doing meditation and looking at myself and I am just polluted trash." "Well lady, I do not say these things. It is better if you find it yourself." If I had told her, she was going to attack my throat immediately.

You are going to see. That is the beauty. You are going to see how silly you are, how stupid you are, how square you are, how tough you are, how unrefined you are. You are going to see it. When you see it, you are going to take constructive action and say, "Wow, it is better to put myself in shape because that is better."

The best thing for you at the present is to do meditation.

-Trokom Saraydarian
The Art of Teaching

Monday, March 20, 2017

The false idea of ownership

Actually, you do not belong to yourself. This is a great truth and fact and idea that has not yet penetrated into our bones. You do not belong to yourself. You belong to your Soul, and your Soul belongs to the group Soul, and the group Soul belongs to the Planetary Soul. The Planetary Soul belongs to the Solar Soul and the Galactic Soul. There is no ownership. "Human gophers"created the false idea of ownership.

-Torkom Saraydarian
Virtues & Values vol.3

Thursday, March 16, 2017

How One Can Serve the Teacher

One of the requirements of progress on the path of achievement of perfection is the service that one can render to Teachers, Great Ones, and to his fellow human beings.

How One Can Serve the Teacher:

1. By understanding and practicing his wisdom.
2. By offering gifts to him.
3. By protecting him and his name from malice and slander.
4. By propagating his Teaching and continuing in his service when he passes away.
5. By not letting any of his creativity be lost after he passes away.
6. By not letting people distort his Teaching and his true image.
7. By sending love and blessings to him during his life on earth and in the hereafter.

The Lotus Sutra makes this very clear when it states that one can become a Buddha only after serving thousands of Buddhas through his many incarnations.

-Torkom Saraydarian
Virtues & Values vol.3, p.195

Thursday, March 02, 2017

The supreme duty of marriage

Generally, the marriage of today is a contract between two people which gives them an official permit to have sex with one another, to have legal children and legal rights to each other's possessions.

But the REAL marriage goes beyond purely physical concerns. It is a fusion of the emotional nature of the man and woman. It is a synchronization or harmonization of the mental plane and fusion of the two souls into one rhythm.

Real marriage requires intelligent preparation and full readiness of its obligations. At present, the emphasis is on the physical relationship with some emotional and mental cooperation. In the future more and more people will realize that the supreme duty of marriage is to help each other in such a way that the divine Self within each one finds opportunities to gradually manifest Itself.

-Torkom Saraydarian
Woman, Torch of the Future