Tuesday, December 31, 2019

In the month of Capricorn - Overcome pride and showing off

Those born in Capricorn often try to show off. Showing off means that you are identified with your physical, emotional, and mental outer shells; you are becoming the charcoal instead of the fire. A person shows off because he wants to prove to himself that he exists. He does this because he feels that he is empty inside, that he has no inner resources.

It is very important to understand that when you show off, you externalize yourself; you become matter, emotion, and thought. But you do not come closer to your True Self, which is beyond your personality.

People usually show off for only one reason -- because they feel a void inside them which makes them think they need someone else to prove they exist. They put their physical, emotional, and mental bodies on display so that people will say, "You are here. You are beautiful. You are funny."

-Torkom Saraydarian
The Wisdom of the Zodiac vol.4

Monday, December 30, 2019

Joy is mastery over your personality

Joy is an effort to control the elementals of your physical, emotional, and mental nature. Joy is mastery over your personality. Nobody can be a server if he has no joy.

Joy is so important because the world is depressed and the abyss of depression is so deep. A great Sage says that when you are joyful, you can jump over abysses. Joy has a special substance that enters the minds and hearts of people and brings them into sanity. If people are acting insanely around you, manifest joy, and you will see how they are coming to their senses.

-Torkom Saraydarian
The Wisdom of the Zodiac vol.4, p.74

Whatever you depend on, is eventually going to be taken away from you

Whatever you depend on, or whatever you cannot do without, is eventually going to be taken away from you. This is because when you identify yourself with something you are not, you lose your real Divinity. Then life creates these solar or zodiacal "winds" that come and blow away whatever you are not. The supports on which you are leaning are blown out from under you so that you stand on your own feet and eventually walk the path of self-actualization. A time will come when you will not depend on anything outside you, but you will depend only on your True Self, your real identity. If you depend on books, on teachers, on radio, television, artists, and movies, you will never advance. Only in breaking these dependencies and facing yourself can you advance.

-Torkom Saraydarian
The Wisdom of the Zodiac vol.4

Monday, December 23, 2019

Unless people have spiritual freedom, there will be no such thing as political freedom

Unless people have spiritual freedom, there will be no such thing as political freedom. To be free means that you are not identified with your physical body and its associates, your emotional body and its associates, your mental body and its associates. You sit in the car and tell the car, "Go where I want. Do not take me here. You must obey me."

Most of our life, the car drives us. Sit down and honestly ask yourself, "Who is driving whom?" Are you driving your body, emotions, and mind or are they driving you? If they are driving you, you are not safe on the freeway of the spiritual kingdom. Do not kid yourself. Try to face yourself without any hallucinations, preconceived ideas, or prejudices.

-Torkom Saraydarian
The Wisdom of the Zodiac, vol.4

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

We often impregnate our rooms, our gardens, our offices with worries, with negative feelings, with destructive thoughtforms

We often impregnate our rooms, our gardens, our offices with worries, with negative feelings, with destructive thoughtforms or various kinds. The sphere around our dwelling and working places gets so contaminated with such pollution that our soul has a hard time to breathe and to be creative.

Instead of such negative substances, we can fill our homes and offices with the substance of joy and love, and thus increase our vitality, creativity and service for the world.

"It is useful to impregnate space with joy." We seldom realize that as we think, feel and act, we inject various kinds of substance into space. Joy is a substance, fear is another substance. Love, hate and gratitude are different kinds of substances. It is necessary to ask ourselves what kind of substance are we dumping into the space?

"It is dangerous to strew the heavens with sorrow. Joy is the health of the spirit." A space stratified with sorrow is a space through which destructive and negative forces operate. Even germs like a space full of sorrow; they grow there more abundantly. Dark forces like depression and sorrow because they can easily control a person caught by sorrow and depression. Sorrow blocks the vision of the future, devitalizes your body and paralyzes your intellect.

-Torkom Saraydarian
The Flame of Beauty, Culture, Love, Joy

Thursday, December 12, 2019

In the month of Sagittarius - Silence

In the month of Sagittarius...

In an old book it says that the name of this sign is silence.

We must be totally silent toward cruel gossip. A person who has set his goal toward the Hierarchy and toward surpassing his limitations and entering his Divine heritage has no time for gossip because gossip creates the prison in which the aspirant buries himself. It will take ages and ages of labor for the disciple to free himself from that prison.

Spiritual silence is not just a matter of speech. It is a matter of holding your thinking. It is possible to speak subjectively about yourself, or to gossip without thinking. This is more dangerous than physical speech. Subjective talking is controlled when you control your lower mind. It is the lower mind that speaks negative things. If your consciousness if focused in your lower mind, you are the slave of gossip because the lower mind is mechanical. Anything can irritate it and make it react. This makes you the slave of conditions and circumstances.  When you control the lower mind and raise your consciousness higher than the lower mind, you can control the urge to speak and you keep silent.

-Torkom Saraydarian
The Wisdom of the Zodiac vol.3

Monday, December 09, 2019

The first step toward joy is scientific meditation

The first step toward joy is scientific meditation, through which you eventually achieve Soul-infusion. Scientific meditation is an effort to penetrate into the mind of the real Thinker, which is the Soul. This is the transpersonal Self - or the Inner Guide.

-Torkom Saraydarian
The Flame of Beauty, Culture, Love, Joy

Wednesday, December 04, 2019

Freedom means to live in such a way...

Freedom means to live in such a way that others have a greater chance to enjoy the blessings of life, and choose their own ways to live, their own ways to worship and their own ways to create. We know that man has no right to hurt any human being, but we have not yet learned that man has no right to hurt himself either.

Drugs, alcohol, unhealthy sex, and other unwholesome activities cannot be tolerated even on a personal basis, because the effect of any personal action is shared by all of us in one way or another.

No one has the right to say, "I can do anything I want to do with myself."

True freedom is the ability to choose the wisest way to act, to feel, to think, so that you increase the chance of survival, success and prosperity of all that exists.

-Torkom Saraydarian
The Flame of Beauty, Culture, Love, Joy

The source of Joy

Success is the result of a labor which is carried on in joy. Start your work with joy and the path of success will open in front of you. Communicate with joy, work with joy. Be joyful in all of your relationships, and even observe your failures with joy, in joy. Any failure observed in joy changes itself into success and victory. Any problems observed in joy dissolve. Joy is for Infinity. Joy is for changelessness. And joy is the witness of the imperishability of the human flame.

In the higher realms of the mental plane there is an energy center which resembles a lotus, or a chalice, radiating many colors when it is in full bloom.

Joy is the fragrance of the chalice, the lotus. As the petals of the lotus unfold, joy radiates out of the petals and gives vigor to the physical body, magnetism to the subtle body, and serenity to the mental body.

The lotus is the permanent source of joy. As it unfolds, joy increases. Joy is not conditioned by outer circumstances; it is like a beacon, the foundation of which rests on the ageless rocks.

Happiness is an effect of outer conditions. When favorable conditions change, happiness disappears, leaving the gloom of depression.

Joy never changes. It increases as the problems and conflicts increase in one's life. It grows in spite of conditions.

Joy is not a feeling, nor is it an emotion, it is a state of consciousness, a state which is detached from the domination of the three lower worlds.

Joy is not the absence of hindrances, problems, and difficulties. On the contrary, joy is the flash springing out of each victory earned by the inner man through these obstacles. Joy grows in battle, in conflict, in service, in sacrifice. Real joy creates crises and tensions, and overcomes them. This is how joy grows. Joy overcomes all hostilities, all doubt, and builds numberless bridges between the hearts.

Joy gives courage, inspiration and vision. It purifies, heals and sanctifies.

-Torkom Saraydarian
The Flame of Beauty, Culture, Love, Joy

Sunday, December 01, 2019

Our sense of responsibility is the most important tool in our hand

Our sense of responsibility is the most important tool in our hand. Those who have it are the guardian angels of humanity.

We do not belong to ourselves; we belong to each other, to our family, race, nation, humanity, and even to the universe. We can help the well-being of the universe, or be an evil influence within it. With our sense of responsibility, we unite ourselves with the constructive forces, with the Forces of Light in the universe, and are blessed in our individual and family life.

Our sense of responsibility is the end of our selfish motives and egocentric activities.

-Torkom Saraydarian
The Flame of Beauty, Culture, Love, Joy

Friday, November 29, 2019

The rejection of love

A rejected or an ignored Love Energy crystallizes and produces a hindering force which spreads into the mechanism of the person and creates psychological disturbances and sickness. This condition gradually produces more difficulties between the two parties until separation and then a total indifference toward each other becomes an established fact. Or love changes into selfish attacking force which we call hatred. Hatred is a demanding love, a love that wants to possess. If the person cannot possess, he tries to destroy the object of love so that others do not possess it. This is how love turns into rejection. Hatred never recognizes the good in the other person but only the wicked parts, and as the hating one concentrates his force upon the weaknesses of the other party, he increases the wickedness in himself, and thus becomes a destructive force in the world of men.

That is why the leaders of the race often advise us to forget, forgive, and try to remain indifferent, because the worst attachment is the attachment of hatred. Unconsciously, we copy those things we hate; forgiveness and forgetfulness is a process through which we dissipate the accumulated, rejecting, and negative forces which are continuously poisoning our psychological and physical mechanism. Through forgiveness we release these crystallized forces and change them into Love Energy.

-Torkom Saraydarian
The Flame of Beauty, Culture, Love, Joy

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Every time you "love" without sacrifice...

Every time you "love" without sacrifice, you create a complex situation in your inner world. You create congestion. This can be avoided if you will stand behind your love and express it through your practical sacrifices. If you love and do not express your love with sacrifice, the fire of love burns your mental, emotional, and etheric centers creating in them insensitivity, dullness, ulcers, and many other unwholesome conditions. Every time you love and are not making sacrifices for it you are touching electrical energy which may burn you. It is said that our God is burning fire.

If you say to a beloved one, "I love you," but refrain from performing sacrificial acts to meet that person's various needs, your love is selfish. If you fail to make sacrifices necessary to uplift and to reach a deeper stage of understanding and creativity, your love is selfish. Selfishness is a state of mind in which the channel of love is congested. The Love Energy cannot circulate and communicate with the greater whole. Selfishness stops the transmutation of matter. Love causes transmutation of matter. The matter of your vehicles must be transmuted into higher sensitivity, enabling you to create under higher spiritual impulses.

-Torkom Saraydarian
The Flame of Beauty, Culture, Love, Joy

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

The only factor that changes your life is your goal

People do not realize that the only factor that changes your life is your goal. Change your goal, and all will change. Find a higher goal, and your whole life will orient itself to that higher goal. Without changing your goal, you cannot change your personality, your life, or your environment. If you have higher goals, a higher center in your being becomes active.

The Teaching in every age gives us a supreme goal. The universal goal at this time is synthesis. The individual goal at this time is Transfiguration. But these cannot be your goals until you make a contact with your Inner Lord and receive your goal as a gift.

Like an arrow, your spirit must fly toward the target of perfection.

-Torkom Saraydarian
The Wisdom of the Zodiac, vol3, p.399

Monday, November 25, 2019

The only way to learn the meaning of love is to love

When you suppress, within your heart, the greatest energy in the universe, the love energy, you burn with that energy, you are cracked with that energy; but if you release it, you are sane and harmonious. You are a rhythmic note in the Symphony of the Universe. Thus you grow and bloom with the universe, with the cosmos.

The only way to learn the meaning of love is to love. Once you have loved, then  and only then, can you know love. It takes you away. It sublimates you, releases you, and instead of becoming a self-centered man or woman, you become Universe-centered, Cosmos-centered; thus is love energy released.

-Torkom Saraydarian
The Flame of Beauty, Culture, Love, Joy

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

The difference between culture and education

Cultured people are those people who have a contact with their Inner Divinity to a certain degree. Culture is not education. Education is knowledge, data, information, and the understanding of how to use this information.

Culture is transformation, self-actualization. One can be educated, yet not be cultured. Education is the collection of facts; culture is transformation of one's nature. Culture cannot be created through knowledge only, but through the transformation of life. Education is our society's way of gaining material things; education is the study of culture. The whole subject of education is civilization and culture. Culture is the manifestation of beauty. Beauty is the result of contact with the Innermost Self. Education can learn about culture but it cannot create it unless man transforms himself.

-Torkom Saraydarian
The Flame of Beauty, Culture, Love, Joy

Monday, November 11, 2019

We must try to live with such faith

Faith is the main characteristic of the child. We must try to live with such faith. People think that children believe something you say because they are stupid, because they are "just children." But if you analyze their faith, you will see that it is an intuitional understanding that all is possible.

To make things possible, one needs pure faith. Faith is the lever that puts many laws into action to create and sustain itself.

Remember that your True Self is everything; everything is in you and you are in everything.

-Torkom Saraydarian

Thursday, November 07, 2019

True art can be discriminated from false art...

True art can be discriminated from false art by observing its effect on people. If the art creates striving toward improvement and perfection, if the art creates a deeper sense of responsibility and duty, greater love and cooperation, then that art comes from Higher Sources.

If the art increases crime, causes greater attachment to material values and physical pleasures, puts pressure on people to escape from their responsibilities through drugs, alcohol, marijuana and uncontrolled sex, then such art is destructive and self-oriented.

-Torkom Saraydarian
The Flame of Beauty, Culture, Love, Joy

A great amount of music carries only the force of the lower centers

A great amount of music carries only the force of the centers below the diaphragm, stimulating the lower centers of the listeners. Such music has a retrogressive effect upon humanity, because the lower centers are already overactive at the expense of the higher centers, and they do not need overstimulation.

Real creative labor awakens the higher centers and creates balance in the energy network of the human being, which slowly helps man to focus in higher centers to proceed on the path of his evolution.

-Torkom Saraydarian
The Flame of Beauty, Culture, Love, Joy

Wednesday, November 06, 2019

Love is a state of consciousness of unity

Love is a state of consciousness of unity, which is not affected by our physical, emotional, and mental reactions. Once you are above these reactions you truly love. You have unconditional love.

-Torkom Saraydarian
The Flame of Beauty, Culture, Love, Joy

The transformational effect of meditation in our environment is shocking

The transformational effect of meditation in our environment is shocking. Soon people will respond to the increasing frequency of our individuality. They begin to put their house in order and bring their relationships into the rhythm of Beauty, Goodness, and Righteousness.

Even the bushes and trees will respond to our frequency, and they will blossom for us. They will emanate fragrance in our presence. Our shoes and clothes, pens and pencils will last longer and fuse with us in order to share the joyful frequency waves of our being. It is wonderful to meditate and day by day discover a new level of consciousness, a new strata of awareness within our being.

-Torkom Saraydarian

Do we retard the evolution of plants by eating them?

All kingdoms are traveling toward developing a selfhood, and each member gradually develops it as he enters higher kingdoms. For example, in the mineral kingdom, the spirit is locked and it advances through the fire of Nature. In the vegetable kingdom, each plant and tree is ensouled with the spirit not yet individualized but, rather, in a state which can be explained as follows:

All vegetable forms, bushes, and trees are like dewdrops which when they evaporate, become parts of a cloud. This cloud has many gradations. The huge pine tree and the grass do not go to the same level, but they do go to the same chemical formation and come back and produce a new plant. The important point to realize is that the gradations of the cloud advance and develop as a whole, not as individual trees, bushes, etc. A part of the cloud comes again and forms another tree, but the essence of this tree is not of any individual, particular tree.

For example, I have two hundred bottles of water. Each of them contains the same water. I pour them into a barrel and again fill my bottles with the water; it does not make any difference.

But each time a tree is exposed to different influences, the essence of the tree develops, and so does the "cloud". This is why, when we eat plants, we do not retard the individual process of development. When eating them fresh, we give to their essence the experience of a higher form of existence.

But the case of animals is different. The animal spirit is not a cloud, but it is separated into stable forms. In eating an animal we stop its progress as a separate being and retard its evolution toward higher kingdoms.

Killing a man is a greater crime because the human spirit is not only separated from the mass spirit but also individualized. In the animal stage, the spirit is functioning on the astral plane and is still not completely a self. In the human stage, the human soul is himself; all Cosmos is within the soul as a microcosm.

Karma heavily strikes those who shed human blood because they retard not only the progress of individuals but also the progress of those with whom those individuals were connected.

-Torkom Saraydarian
Other Worlds

Sunday, November 03, 2019

Vices and the Subtle World

To overcome our vices, we need to fight against them while we are on earth. It is only on the physical plane that we can develop the energies to overcome our vices. It is interesting to know that though we may carry our vices into the Subtle World, we cannot find satisfaction in them. One can never gratify his vices in the Subtle World because gratification of the vices is felt mostly by and through the physical vehicle. Each vice exercised in the Subtle World creates a flame which burns the astral vehicle, causing much pain and suffering to the soul.

The danger in carrying vices into the Subtle World comes from the fact that the carriers of vices try to come in close contact with low-level human beings whose consciousness is asleep on earth. They try to stimulate them and direct them to similar vices, in order to feel their satisfaction through their vices. Easier access is given to such spirits when alcohol is used; when one goes to sleep with the thoughts and feelings of malice, slander, and greed; or when one sleeps near slaughterhouses, whorehouses, or places where there is moral pollution, stagnated matter, or rubbish. Cleanliness is a great help in rejecting such nightly visitors from our homes.

Blood also attracts such visitors. One of the factors that greatly helps them is a foul mouth, a loose mouth, or a mouth that pours out filth, curses, and blasphemy. Such emanations radiate certain signals to the carriers of vices from the Subtle World.

Human vices and habits continue to exist throughout many incarnations. It is possible for them to grow and become stronger.

Vices or habits can be eliminated if the will is activated and used strongly to destroy them.

If the person succeeds in climbing consciously to the highest strata of the Subtle World, he can dissolve the accumulations of vices and habits in his astral body. Each vice or habit originates from a force formation in the aura, and this subtle tumor is not easy to destroy.

The higher harmony and fires of the highest levels of the Subtle World can dissolve them. They can also be dissolved if strong will is exercised on them while one is still living on earth.

It is also interesting that in the Subtle World one cannot develop new vices. It  is on the earth that vices are germinated, developed, and used. One can continue his vices in the lowest levels of the Subtle World, but as he climbs higher, they look stupid and non-interesting.

-Torkom Saraydarian
Other Worlds

All kinds of bloodshed bring the lower astral world into contact with the earth

In the battlefield where the blood of millions is shed and is in a state of decomposition, numberless entities from the astral world are attracted. The emanations from decomposed blood and the associated emotions, horrors, and thoughts are the food by which low astral entities live. Thus, all kinds of bloodshed bring the lower astral world into contact with the earth.

We are told that these astral entities are attached to the auras of those who eat meat, who work in graveyards and taverns, and who consume alcohol and drugs. The first sign of such an attachment is a feeling of vampirism in which all your energy is suddenly exhausted. After your body adjusts itself, you feel emotional and mental depression; then degeneration of your morals starts.

-Torkom Saraydarian
Other Worlds

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

In the month of Scorpio - Be very careful that you are not tempted by dark forces

In the month of Scorpio...

Be very careful that you are not tempted by dark forces. If any stupid thought, criminal thought, or mechanical urge or drive to do something that is not honorable or good for your prestige comes to your mind, it is usually coming from somewhere else. It may be coming from a subconscious urge and drive hidden within you, or dark forces may be influencing you.

Try always to stand in the light. Stick with everything that is Beautiful, Good, and Truthful. Most people are influences by dark forces, and they do not know why they are doing things. The way to avoid being trapped by dark forces is to use the standard of Beauty, Goodness, and Truth. Anything that is against Beauty, Goodness, and Truth is not coming from your Soul and you should not obey it.

A disciple is a person who wins victories over every kind of dark suggestion. For example, if a suggestion comes into your mind that you are lonely, nobody loves you, etc., stand in Beauty, Goodness, and Truth and reject it. You will see that the dark forces will immediately disappear.

You must have experiences of becoming a warrior. How can you be a warrior if you do not fight?

-Torkom Saraydarian
The Wisdom of the Zodiac, vol.3

Monday, October 28, 2019

In the month of Scorpio - Exercise strict control over your mouth and tongue

In the month of Scorpio...

Exercise strict control over your mouth and tongue. Do not talk about things that are not your business. Most of our failures are due to lack of control of the tongue. A disciple always tries -- even though he is not always successful-- to swallow wrong words before they escape from his mouth. Whenever you gossip or say something unnecessary, you pollute your aura and slowly destroy yourself. But if you swallow these words, you do not create that destruction for yourself or for others.

-Torkom Saraydarian
Wisdom of the Zodiac vol.3

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Emotional attachment to living and dead persons as a means of possession and depresssion

 When a person emotionally loves another person, such as the mother, wife, husband, child, or even an animal, he creates an emotional tie with the person or animal. When this person or animal dies, the same emotional affinity exists with them. No possession takes place until the departed person or animal leaves his astral body. When the astral body is left behind, the person on earth attracts that astral body, which slowly penetrates his own astral body and contaminates it in a decaying process. The person first feels he is closer to his beloved one, but he gradually realizes that some force is acting independently in his body. Animals, because they live simultaneously in the astral and physical world, see the astral body of a departed owner, and think he is always with them.

Astral bodies all have emotional recordings in them, and they pass all these recordings to the living person. Besides filling his emotional life with confusion, the astral bodies begin to decay, casing unusual emotional problems and heavy depressions.

A contaminated astral body cannot be cured by any orthodox methods. To avoid such a disaster, people must not be attached to their beloved ones. Real love serves and sacrifices, but never attaches. When the beloved one leaves, real love exercises total joy and detachment. Many husbands and wives are obsessed through their attachment. This is the reason why, when one of them dies, the other passes away soon thereafter.

Emotional attachment cannot be translated as a sense of responsibility but as a chemical fusion between two astral bodies. When the person departs, he takes part of the astral body of the devoted one with him. The departed portion of the devoted one's astral body is used as an element of comfort by the departed one, and it is translated by the living one as a deep longing and a sense of depression.

It is this departed portion of the astral body that serves as a link between the two beings. When the power of the departed soul over his astral body weakens, as he leaves it on the astral plane and steps to the mental plane, the living portion of the astral body of the living person is magnetically drawn back to the astral body of the living person. The astral portion of the living person in the astral body of the departed person always nourishes itself by drawing the energy of the living person.

Emotional attachment between two living persons is also not beneficial because the emotional elements, glamors, desires, confusions, and anxieties of each person flow into each other's astral vehicle, creating disturbances, tensions, and irritations. Such a transference is accomplished through the solar plexus center, which eventually becomes super-active and damages the organs connected to it.

-Torkom Saraydarian
Other Worlds

Sunday, October 13, 2019

When you are angry, you tune in to the lower astral plane...

When you are angry, you tune in to the lower astral plane, and you start channeling the current of anger. If your anger turns into a thoughtform, due to certain planning to satisfy your anger, an astral entity enters your thoughtform and uses it as a destructive mechanism.

When there is massive anger, massive fear, or massive hatred, the masses become channels of such forces which collectively exist in lower astral levels. It is after such a process of channeling that obsession takes place and mass insanity comes into being. At the present we see how many people in the world are acting insanely and living an insane life. This is a phenomenon which is very dangerous to the survival of humanity.

Thus, through anger, fear, hatred, greed, and revenge, one becomes a channel for the pollution of the astral plane. This is why in all religions these five are considered sins and are condemned. Those who are filled with these five will enjoy neither earth nor the Subtle Worlds.

-Torkom Saraydarian
Other Worlds

Wednesday, October 09, 2019

In the month of Libra - How can we create balance in our life? - Beauty

How can we create balance in our life? - Beauty

Increase the beauty in your life expressions, physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually. Beauty balances you because beauty is nothing else but the manifestation of spirit in matter, in its completeness.

Dedicate yourself to beauty. Buy beautiful things. Increase the beauty in your visualization, in your imagination, in your relationships. Be beautiful, and beauty will balance you.

When you strive for balance in your life, you create natrum phosphate in your body. This cell salt helps your digestive system and your kidneys by balancing them.

-Torkom Saraydarian
The wisdom of the Zodiac vol.3

Tuesday, October 08, 2019

In the month of Libra - Do not be affected by the ups and downs of the world

The symbol of the scales reminds you not to be affected by the ups and downs of the world. Immediately when someone says something good about you, your scale rises. If the say bad things, it drops. You start your day very happy and balanced. Then you turn on the news and you go down -- just like the stock market! The person who is on the path of  mastery does not fluctuate because of the changes happening around him.

It is difficult not to be affected by the ups and downs of life, but if we do not conquer difficult things, we will always be the slaves of easy things. We can become Masters only through mastering things that are difficult. The most important lessons in life are the lessons that are difficult. If a lesson is easy, it is not a lesson; it is a game. This is a difference between a game and a lesson.

If we can keep our scales balanced no matter what happens to our reputation, our pocketbook, our emotions, our friends and enemies, we will graduate from the human kingdom and enter another kingdom. There is a tremendous illusion in the minds of human beings that Nature created human beings and stopped there. Look at the galaxies. Look at the heavens. Man is not at the top; man is just the beginning. Cosmic Beings are still ahead of us. Who is organizing these energies, laws, and other Universes? We must not be stuck where we are.

-Torkom Saraydarian
The Wisdom of the Zodiac vol.3

Sunday, October 06, 2019

When you have any success, pray

Immediately when you have any success, pray, so that you do not become proud and vain and you keep your honesty and humility before God. A wise man once said, "In front of any defeat, pride walks." Whenever we are really successful, pride comes to our mind. To destroy that pride we must give credit to that Almighty Source.

-Torkom Saraydarian
Other Worlds

When you have great joy, you must pray

When you have great joy, you must pray. Some people wonder why they should pray when they are successful and happy; they think they have everything and do not need anything else. But our greatest failures come at the moments when we are very successful and joyful. We forget the source of all our joy. If we forget the source, no matter how rich, beautiful, or joyful we are, all our successes will work against our spiritual interest.

-Torkom Saraydarian
Other Worlds

Wednesday, October 02, 2019

Prayer brings healing

Prayer brings healing. Many scientists have documented miraculous cures which have occurred as a result of prayer. These cures were called "miraculous." They are actually not so. Prayer is a method of fusing yourself with a power station which raises your vibrations and creates harmony within yourself. When you create harmony in yourself, you are healed. Health is harmony. Health is a condition where there are no disturbances or distortions. When you are synthesized within yourself, you are healthy. That energy, which is sometimes called the psychic energy of God or the Spirit, cleans and purifies all distorting factors that you have within yourself.

-Torkom Saraydarian
Other Worlds

Prayer keeps dark forces away from you

Prayer keeps dark forces away from you. Dark forces are yours and other people's ugly and criminal thoughts. When you pray, you radiate your light to such a degree that these dark thoughts cannot come close to you.

You are going to increase your frequency to such a degree that it does not allow any wicked or distorted frequencies to penetrate into the field of your electromagnetic energy.

-Torkom Saraydarian
Other Worlds

Prayer creates optimism in you

Prayer creates optimism in you. There is a heavy pessimistic cloud sitting over humanity at this time in history. Many people think the world is about to be destroyed, that war is coming, that famine is on the way. Like lightning, prayer destroys this pessimistic cloud. Prayer gives you optimism because you see that you are standing with God, and with His help everything is possible.

-Torkom Saraydarian
Other Worlds

Monday, September 30, 2019

People strive to be somebody

People strive to be somebody. This is fairly easy to do, if they do not stop on their path. The most difficult thing is to be consciously "nobody." You are asserting every minute to be somebody. All your attention is on yourself - you are not allowing that ego to dissipate itself.

Denial of self must be explained. It is the denial of egotism, the glamor of self-interest, self-importance, touchiness, feelings of hurt, hurt pride, show-offness. The less you are interested in your separated self, the more you can serve, cooperate, and harmonize with people.

-Torkom Saraydarian

Saturday, September 28, 2019

In the month of Libra - Balance between spiritual and earthly values

Balance must be achieved between spiritual and earthly values. Earthly values are health, physical beauty, wealth, etc. Spiritual values are virtues, talents, skills, etc.

Suppose that you want to marry a girl who has health, money, and beauty, but she is irritable, irresponsible, and dishonest. How can you form a home with such a wife (or such a husband)? You need to see balance between worldly values and spiritual values. On the other hand, if the one you choose is totally lost in spiritual values, you will not be happy with him or her either. Suppose all day he meditates, prays, and reads, but he never meets his duties and responsibilities at home or in society. Or he is so abstracted that he is not useful in practical life.

We must choose life partners or even business partners who have material, earthly values and also spiritual values. Such a balance of values is a great gift and a tool for success and prosperity.

A man wants a beautiful wife, but also one who has moral and spiritual values. One day a friend of mine said to me, "My wife is the best cook, but when we sit down at the table and begin to eat, she starts fighting with me until the end of the meal, and the food turns to poison in me!"

When people are out of balance, they bring you irritation, depression, worry, and failure. People are out of balance when they serve one of the parts of their being and neglect the other parts. If one is serving his body twenty-four hours daily and neglecting his spirit, he is out of balance. Such people are sources of suffering and pain for humanity.

-Torkom Saraydarian
The Wisdom of the Zodiac, vol.3

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

There is a very great difference between being intelligent and being a thinker

There is a very great difference between being intelligent and being a thinker. The person with intelligence works totally for self-interest, while the thinker can destroy his selfishness. A thinker sees both sides of reality and facts. Do not have faith and dependence on people who are really intelligent, but lack the ability to think. They can be cunningly intelligent. They do things that amaze you. But I have seen the greatest traitors coming from intelligent people. They know how to manipulate situations, but they do not think about the consequences of what they are doing to themselves and to others.

-Torkom Saraydarian

Most of our sicknesses are the result of our thoughts returning back to us

Many sicknesses are transmitted by thoughts through a distance. Thought can not only carry germs, but it can also plant germs in the auras of people. Dark thoughts, thoughts that carry sickness and destruction, eventually turn back to their originating source and hit the source with fiery, destructive blows. Most of our sicknesses are the result of our thoughts returning back to us.

-Torkom Saraydarian
Other Worlds

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Woman has the quality of conscience

Woman has the quality of conscience. Woman's conscience is so sensitive. For example, if the husband, boyfriend, or child does something wrong, immediately women have some kind of instrument in them that tells them the direction.

I was reading about some birds and fish. A scientist said that there is some kind of "iron" in their brains and that iron gives them the direction they need. When women have that iron or that diamond in their head, we call that the sense of direction or the sense of conscience. If they follow their conscience physically, emotionally, and mentally, with their actions, feelings, and words, they have the sense of direction. If something is wrong, they see it and they want to stop it in themselves and in others. These things must be developed in their children so that their children are cultivated, before they start drinking and doing drugs.

-Torkom Saraydarian
Wisdom of the Zodiac vol.2

Woman has a special gift to come in contact with higher forces

Woman has a special gift to come in contact with higher forces. You can find now everywhere, in any church or religious organization, that woman is the devoted, dedicated part of that organization. She has total dedication to higher ideals, to higher visions, to higher forces. It is the woman who is getting the intuitive direction and giving it to her family, to her children. Mother must guide her children intuitively because she is naturally, originally in contact with higher sources.

For example, when a child comes, the child is coming from heavenly realms. Man is not in contact with heavenly realms to bring a child, but woman is. That is why the new Teaching that was given in the 19th and 20th centuries was to woman.

For example, we speak about Jesus and about Christ. That's wonderful, but people don't know yet that, historically, it was Holy Mary Who built the church, organized the church, and orchestrated the church. She was the inspiration. When the disciples escaped everywhere, She called them and said, "Let's start now the work, the labor, the service." She was so beautiful.

When I was in Jerusalem, a hundred year old man said, "I will tell you a story that you don't know about." He said, "When they took the Holy Mother to bury Her, for the last time all the disciples came and wanted to see Her face. They opened the coffin and She was not there. That's what is called the "Assumption of Mary," which the Catholic Church celebrates.

A great energy, a great somebody is in every woman. In every woman there is a mechanism that can come in contact with higher values, ideas, visions, and dreams. It is the woman who receives that because her antenna is differently built than man's antenna. It does not mean that men don't have value. I'm not saying that. They are both sides of one hand and they must stay like that. No one is superior. No one is inferior. They are the same but they must be recognized as what they are.

-Torkom Saraydarian
Wisdom of the Zodiac vol.2

Thursday, September 19, 2019

The new age is the cycle in which...

The new age is the cycle in which our planet is being conditioned by new types of energies and forces coming from Space, from great constellations, and from great Centers. If humanity is not able to assimilate these energies and express them creatively, for the welfare of all, then the energies will create tremendous friction in the system of the human being. This friction is the source of all mental, emotional, physical, and social troubles. Any undigested energy creates poison within your system.

When these new energies are released, they do one of two things: They either open a new level of consciousness, beingness, civilization, and culture; or they destroy everything. This is why we are facing a world crisis at this time, the crisis of the new age.

-Torkom Saraydarian
Challenge for Discipleship, p. 88

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

When we speak about the new age...

When we speak about the new age, we think that the new age is conditioned by dates or cycles, but this is not really so. The new age is a state of consciousness, or rather a state of beingness. The new age is the result of touching the Innermost Realities within ourselves. Any time any person touches the most Supreme Fire within himself, he is in the new age. Although one may live in an age where the majority of people are in intellectual and moral darkness, one can still be in the new age within his own consciousness and realizations.

-Torkom Saraydarian
The Flame of Beauty, Culture, Love and Joy

People poison the planet with their dirty thoughts

People do not realize that their thoughts are faster than radio waves. As soon as a thought leaves your head, it has already circled the planet three times and either polluted the space or created beauty. In the future, IF the planet survives, scientists will study people's thoughts and measure them. They will not allow people to poison the planet with their dirty thoughts and carry on their lives like happy fools.

-Torkom Saraydarian
The Wisdom of the Zodiac vol.2

Man himself created hell

People talk about hell, but the Most High did not create hell. Man himself created hell by loading himself with combustible materials, which after the body dies, burst into flames and cause great suffering to the human soul. Such suffering may last for a long or short time, according to the gravity of the inflammable materials carried over to the other side of life.

Most of our habits are very inflammable in the fire of Space. Most of our negative emotions are highly combustible. Most of our thoughts -related to ego, vanity, greed, separatism, and illusion- are explosives in Space.

Psychic energy is used to burn away those elements in our nature which will be highly inflammable in the Subtle World when we leave our body.

This is why it is imperative to have psychic energy and use it to burn away all unworthy elements in our nature before our transition, thereby entering into the other side of life without any combustible material in our nature.

-Torkom Saraydarian
Psychic Energy

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

To grow as a soul you need joy

To grow as a soul you need joy

Joy is the blood of the soul. If you do not have joy, you are the prisoner of your vehicles. Joy is the great tester. It tests whether you are a soul or a bunch of flesh and bones or the slave of your environment. Joy is the song of victory of a living soul.

-Torkom Saraydarian
Wisdom of the Zodiac vol.2

Monday, September 16, 2019

To grow as a soul you need beauty

To grow as a soul you need beauty

Beauty must shine out of you. In each incarnation your body, your eyes, your hair, your face, and your hands must become more beautiful. You become beautiful by manifesting beauty. Beauty is an entity in the Universe with whom God is in love. Every time you manifest beauty, you become beautiful; you gradually become like beauty, and God falls in love with you.

-Torkom Saraydarian
Wisdom of the Zodiac vol.2

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Violence saps psychic energy

People enjoy violence in movies, television, books, and political actions, but if they would realize how violence saps their psychic energy and leaves them as an abandoned house, they would never even think about violence. Violence destroys the magnetism of a man, a place, or a nation, and then brings disaster to that person or location for a long time.

A day will come when global law will prevent any form of violence because it is violence that rends the protective shield and invites destruction to an individual, groups and nations, and to humanity.

If one reads history intelligently, one can see how in ten, twenty-five, one-hundred years' time, nations have been destroyed or economically paralyzed because of national violence.

Those places where violence was exercised continuously are the blind spots on the planet, and they will never attract psychic energy for a long time. And wherever there is no psychic energy, that place will be spiritually, culturally, and morally barren.

People think that having the power to commit violence is a sign of victory, superiority, or protection. But history shows that violence committed individually leads to many physical, moral, and psychological diseases, and violence committed nationally makes that nation slowly degenerate and eventually enter the path of disintegration.

Where there is no psychic energy, hosts of dark forces gather and eventually possess multitudes and lead them into movements and actions against their own survival, happiness, and health.

-Torkom Saraydarian
Psychic Energy

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Virgo stands as a symbol of inspiration

Virgo stands as a symbol of inspiration. Inspiration is the ability to tune ourselves with higher frequencies and bring these frequencies down. When your antenna is tall enough and you can touch higher frequencies, energies, visions, and ideas and bring them down, we say that you are inspired.

Woman must also inspire other people. This is one of the secrets of woman, if she uses it intelligently. Woman is the inspirer; woman can inspire and create heroes. Woman can inspire and bring out the greatest genius latent in the human being. Woman can bring out Beauty, Goodness, and Truth from a man or a child with one kiss, if she knows what she is doing and if she is really sincere. It is not the kiss, but the energy that goes through the kiss which brings out the latent energies in man.

To inspire also means to challenge. Inspiration is the energy which causes transformation in a person's nature. The wheel of man turns by the energy of woman, and woman must take that role and turn the creative energies in man.

Woman must inspire man. She must say, "Don't have a long face; smile. Come on, dance with me, talk with me, be beautiful, be sincere, be open..." Woman can do this. Woman has a great responsibility to be an inspirer.

Many men fall down because a woman does not hold their hands and say, "There is something in you. Did you think about that? Come on, you can do it. You are really something." This is how a woman can inspire a man.

-Torkom Saraydarian
The Wisdom of the Zodiac vol.2

Monday, September 09, 2019

The first symbol of Virgo is purity

The first symbol of Virgo is purity. Woman is instinctively inclined toward purity. To be pure means to be healthy. When a woman's body is healthy, the child she gives birth to will also be healthy.

In the New Age, woman will put a great emphasis on the purity of the body in all forms. She will not contaminate her body with any poison or artificial chemicals so that her body is really a temple in which the Divine Spirit can come and dwell.

In the New Age, purity of emotions will also be strongly emphasized. Woman must develop real purity of heart. Purity of heart means to have no emotions or feelings that are selfish or destructive.

For the future perfection of the human race, woman is going to impose upon herself extreme purity of body and emotions so that she gives birth to great geniuses. The Sage D.K. says that in the New Age, great artists will incarnate who will make the works of Michelangelo and Beethoven look like child's play. It is woman who will give birth to these great geniuses, but only the woman who really knows who she is; the woman who knows that she has the highest responsibility when she conceives a child; the woman who knows she is bringing a great gift to the world through her child.

If we give these ideas to our mothers, sisters, and daughters, what a change will happen in the world! Woman is the mother of all humanity. If we are going wrong, it is because of our women. If we are going right, it is because of our women.

The symbol of Virgo is the symbol of purity of body and emotions, and then purity of mind. In the future, the mind of woman will pass through a great transformation so that she is always truthful and righteous, no matter what happens. No matter what happens, she will see things as they are.

In my many years of counseling, I have found that in eighty percent of the arguments between husbands and wives, girlfriends and boyfriends, the woman is right; she sees things exactly as they are.

Women in the future are going to bring great changes in the world - physical, emotional, and mental changes. But all these changes can only happen if a woman achieves a high degree of purity. Only a purified mechanism can translate high-voltage energy; and when we are talking about a baby, we are talking about a condensed energy. A baby is an energy, nothing else. Energy takes form and becomes a baby.

-Torkom Saraydarian
The Wisdom of the Zodiac, vol.2

Friday, September 06, 2019

Some people think that natural evolution will eventually carry us through the Path of Resurrection

Some people think that natural evolution will eventually carry us through the Path of Resurrection. This is not a correct statement. Nature brings us up to the human level. If we want to pass beyond it, we must strive and make greater breakthroughs. If we fail, three conditions may await us:

1. We may suffer in proportion to our delay.
2. We may fall into the danger of enforced pralaya.
3. We may fall into the danger of annihilation.

-Torkom Saraydarian
New Dimensions in Healing

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Initiation is the process of the birth of Space through man

In each initiation you grow toward yourself; you grow toward your future, your glorious future, closer and closer to Cosmos and to the Plan and Purpose behind Cosmos. As we have nine months in the birth process, so do we have nine initiations through which a Spark passes before it is born into Cosmic Space. But let us remember that the real Essence is not born because the real Essence is you. You are not born. Initiation is the process of the birth of Space through man.

-Torkom Saraydarian
New Dimensions in Healing, p.734

Thursday, August 15, 2019

In the month of Leo...

This month is the month in which we can control and master all in us that devours other people. For example, gossiping about others means to eat them. When you gossip about someone, you eat his reputation, his soul, and his heart. When you hate someone, you eat him. When you are jealous of someone, you eat him. When you misuse someone for your own pleasure, you eat him. You must stop all this lion-like activity.

As long as your lion is alive, he will devour your physical, emotional, and mental energies. The secret of survival, happiness, and health is the secret of annihilating that lion.

-Torkom Saraydarian
The Wisdom of the Zodiac, vol.2

Tuesday, August 13, 2019

The full moon of Leo is a reminder...

The energy of Leo inspires us to look for the inner star of the Self. Unless you look for that star, you are lost. It is very interesting that people are looking for everything except that star. People are interested twenty-four hours per day in their pocketbooks, sex, drinking, eating, health....and not one minute in the Self.

The full moon of Leo is a reminder that there is a pole star within you that must be the object of your concentration. When it is the object of your concentration, you will steadily draw energy from it. When you draw energy from it, your life will change.

Once you have contact with the Innermost Self within you, you will think twenty-five hours per day (one more!) about the Self. You will reverse the direction of all the things you were doing with your body, emotions, and mind during the day, during your life, during your incarnations. The Self will become the Core or the axis of all your activities.

-Torkom Saraydarian
Wisdom of the Zodiac, vol.2

Sunday, August 11, 2019

The spiritual message of the month of Leo

The energy of Leo creates sensitivity in you to the polestar, Polaris. Polaris represents the polestar of God within you. This means that Leo creates an orientation in you toward God, toward that Supreme Wholeness.

The polestar creates direction in you, and you pass through several phases. In the first phase, you sense a meaning in life. In the second state, you see a plan. In the third stage, you see a purpose. The purpose is the polestar. The fourth stage is sacrifice, which means, "I am in you and you are in me; I want to be one with everything possible." This is the message of Leo.

The lion of Leo stands for three things: that you unveil yourself, find yourself, and radiate yourself out as creativity, through which you express Beauty, Goodness, and Truth. Then your life will be a great inspiration for others, and through that inspiration, you will awaken the lion sleeping in every human being.

The lion is not necessarily found in those who are born under the sign of Leo. Leo represents the human spirit. That spirit must be awakened so that you are not a slave but a master of yourself. The goal of Leo is to see the jewel, the polestar, and dedicate your whole life to it, to look to that goal and achieve that goal.

-Torkom Saraydarian
The Wisdom of the Zodiac, vol.2

Friday, August 09, 2019

Real meditation is a process of scientific thinking

The best tool we have for transformation of consciousness from lower to higher levels is meditation. Meditation is the hammer that builds the royal road of continuity of consciousness. But meditation must be real, scientific, and esoterically tested meditation. Those who sincerely want to change their nature, to become saner, clearer, and healthier, should carefully read The Science of Meditation.

The goal of meditation is to make you mentally more radioactive, creative, and beautiful. It is the technique of mastering the whole mechanism of your mind and learning how to operate this complicated mechanism. It is not self-hypnosis or repeating a mantram until you nicely fall asleep.

Real meditation is a process of scientific thinking. It is through right thinking that we are able to expand our consciousness and build the Bridge with our compassion. It is a way to live a life charged with Beauty, Goodness, Righteousness, Joy, Freedom, Striving, and Sacrificial Service.

The greatest success a man can accomplish is the completion of the Golden Bridge. It is only across this Bridge that man can walk into supermundane realms.

-Torkom Saraydarian
Dynamics Of The Soul

Sunday, August 04, 2019

Love and responsibility

Love performed without a sense of responsibility leads to sorrow and suffering. Responsibility means that you will sustain unity once you have created it and work for the progressive advancement of that unity toward more love, more light, and more life. Responsibility teaches you that other people's failures and sorrows are yours, and that you must try to eliminate them physically, emotionally, and mentally with freedom and joy, as if they were yours.

Love must be progressively expanding.

-Torkom Saraydarian
The Flame of Beauty, Culture, Love, Joy

Friday, August 02, 2019

The virtue of Courage

Courage means not to identify with your personality. Identify with your True Self. When you are identified with your True Self, nothing is impossible. Courage is the ability to make impossible things possible.

Courage overcomes the obstacles coming from beloved ones and enemies. With courage you overcome illusions, glamors, inertia, vanity, financial conditions, and health.

One of the games of life is to create obstacles. Growth only exists when there are obstacles and you conquer those obstacles by courage. Everything is a limitation so that you exercise your courage to destroy limitations and release your Self. This is your game -- physical limitations, emotional limitations, mental limitations - and the labor to overcome these limitations is called courage, which eventually makes you a liberated soul.

-Torkom Saraydarian
New Dimensions in Healing

Wednesday, July 31, 2019

The virtue of Patience

Patience puts man into action. The moments of waiting, for a patient man, are the moments of the most intense efforts to make a breakthrough. The moments of expectation of a patient man are moments recharged by the vision of the future.

Patience is always related to self-discipline. Without self-discipline, patience cannot manifest.

Patience is related not to time but to Space. It inspires man with the vision of Infinity. Once man makes a contact with the vision of Infinity, the energy flow of patience commences.

Patience is like a thread of light which relates not only the persevering efforts of weeks, months, or years but also of lives. On the golden thread of patience, man locates his most precious pearls of achievement.

Patience is the ability to see that you are the Changeless One in all changes; the ability to see that you have traversed time and you stand as duration within the cycles of the past, present, and future; the ability to cooperate with the laws of Nature. Patience is inspired by the vision of spiritual destiny.

-Torkom Saraydarian
New Dimensions in Healing

Monday, July 29, 2019

Causes of depression - Blocked psychic energy

When psychic energy is blocked in you and you cannot express it creatively, it causes depression. This begins at childhood, for example, when your mother says, "Don't do that... I told you not to dance... I told you not to play... Don't read it... Put that violin down... I don't want it... You are ugly..." etc. What happens? You become tightly coiled up within yourself. When it reaches the saturation point, you become depressed. In your mind you think, "I am worthless," and you believe it.

It is very difficult to untie that coil and release it, but you can do so with creative dancing, expression, jumping, running, and singing.

The result of such talk is very serious, and this is the reason why you must never belittle anyone. You should never say, "What's happening to you? You are losing weight... Your color is gone..." The person's aura will go from five feet to three feet. Say a little more and it will be one foot. Continue to say more and there will be no aura. On the contrary, tell the person, "You are so beautiful... Come on, you can do it... Failure is nothing but a great lesson... If you fail one hundred times, you are still going to be successful..." In this way you are helping the person release it.

-Torkom Saraydarian
New Dimensions in Healing

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Evil forces create disunity in the family

If there is a family where the husband and wife act through ugly thoughts, words, and behaviors, we can conclude that dark forces are operating there. When you catch yourself in a moment of ugliness, immediately stop because you are opening a path for evil to possess you. You are weakening your own defenses and the evil ones rejoice at this opportunity. They will go to their chief and say, "See how I was able to make this husband and wife fight against each other? Now they are fighting, they are separating, they are divorcing, they are enemies." They will get a nice medal because they created ugliness and disunity within that family.

-Torkom Saraydarian

Money cannot buy virtues

Money cannot buy virtues; wealth cannot replace them. But virtues can bring prosperity and abundance and make man enjoy them and use them as a blessing for others. In the not too distant future, the physician will prescribe virtues to his patients and minimize the use of chemicals and even surgery.

-Torkom Saraydarian
New Dimensions in Healing

If you know many things and if your life is not changed...

If you know many things and if your life is not changed through the assimilation of knowledge, you become like a donkey carrying bags of gold. You have great treasures in you, but you have no way to use them and transform your life through them.

-Torkom Saraydarian
New Dimensions in Healing

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Causes of depression - Negative thoughtforms projected to you by others

Depression is caused when you identify with the negative thoughtforms projected to you by others. This is very interesting and occurs frequently. If a group of people are projecting dark, heavy, and hateful thoughts toward you, eventually they knock you down. You feel helpless and in inertia because their thoughtforms, imagination, and visualizations are projected into your aura and you feel that these things in your aura are you. You get horrified with the thoughtforms in your aura.

It is best not to evoke any evil thought from anyone, because the evil thought is like an arrow that is poisonous; it his your aura and collects poison there.

The effect can be on your physical body, your emotional body, or your mental body. For example, if I am thinking beautiful things about you, you feel so beautiful and you do not know why. You are happy, singing, dancing because I am giving energy to your aura. Beautiful thoughts are energy currents.

When someone is thinking evil thoughts about you, you feel narrow, irritated, and depressed and eventually you give up. Try not to evoke any evil thought, slander, or malice from anyone because they are poisonous arrows that will create total depression in your system.

-Torkom Saraydarian
New Dimensions in Healing

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Virtues have a considerable effect on our body chemistry and health

Virtues have a considerable effect on our body chemistry and health. For example:

-Compassion strengthens the heart and harmonizes the digestive system.

-Fearlessness strengthens and corrects the kidneys and urinary system.

-Solemnity purifies the spleen.

-Ecstasy and great joy evoked by beauty and art performances energize and harmonize the spleen.

-Service purifies the toxins from the muscles and helps to regulate the lymphatic system.

-Generosity and love strengthen the flow of electricity in the nervous system, which contributes to longevity.

-Forgiveness dissolves the ulcers found in the mental and astral bodies.

-Patience energizes the generative organs and heals many disorders found in these organs.

-Optimism is a great remedy to the pancreas. Every bit of optimism gives a new electric shock to the pancreas.

-Discrimination strengthens the eyes.

-Silence or right speech are tonics for the thyroid gland.

-Compassion is the best tonic for your eyes.

-Torkom Saraydarian
New Dimensions in Healing, p.677

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Causes of depression - Distortion of polarity

Another cause of depression is related to electrical exchange, or polarity, between you and others or between you and objects and locations. The Law of Polarity states that identical energy fields repel each other, and non-identical energy fields attract each other.

When the polarity of your physical, emotional, and mental bodies fuses with the greater magnetic field, you are expanded, joyful, successful, and powerful. When the magnetic field of thoughts, persons, objects, or locations repels your magnetic field, you are sick, weak, and confused. Sometimes even the non-identical energy field changes, or it changes you and creates frictions. That is why it is proper sometimes to change locations, furniture, etc. Sometimes it is good to move away from those places where you feel depressed, confused, or bewildered.

Stay away from radioactive waste, nuclear power plants, locations of radioactivity, heavy electrical cables or stations, and buildings or persons which lower your energy level, limit your horizon, and dim your light.

We must know that man is a magnet. He has an electromagnetic form. He is an electromagnetic field, and any distortion and disturbance in this electromagnetic field creates problems and eventually leads the man into depression.

You must watch your polarity with people, locations, objects, and times. Wherever and with whatever and whomever you are most creative and healthy, choose that location, that person, that furniture, that food, that material, that color, that sound, and so on.

-Torkom Saraydarian
New Dimensions in Healing

Causes of depression - Fatigue of the brain

A major source of depression starts from the brain. If the brain is tired, you will have continuous problems leading you into depression. The brain needs rest, rest from the conversations of others, from various kinds of sound and light. Cyclic rest in darkness, in the mountains and deserts helps your brain recover. Often you must give up reading, watching television, or listening to the radio.This will bring great relief to your brain.

Your nose also sends very potent impressions to your brain. You must stay away from certain odors and the smell of chemicals and gases which often injure the brain and prepare it for depression.

If your office or home is in a state of chaos and things are not in order, and when you pressure your brain to follow an order through the chaos, this contributes to the fatigue of your brain. Orderliness is a great help to your sanity and joy.

-Torkom Saraydarian
New Dimensions in Healing

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Causes of depression - Chemical imbalance or deficiency in the brain

The third cause is a chemical imbalance or deficiency in the brain. This is what the medical professors or medical doctors say when certain amounts of calcium, potassium, magnesium, or other elements are lacking in the brain and when the chemicals are imbalanced. This causes depression.

We are told in the Ageless Wisdom that all chemicals in the body are under the influence of your states of consciousness. For example, if you have a state of consciousness which is called fear, your calcium slowly fades away; if you are in greed, your magnesium is depleted; if you are in revenge, your hemoglobin is exhausted.

It is your state of consciousness that creates the secretion of your glands and increases or decreases the chemicals in your body. If you change your state of consciousness, you can change the amount or increase the chemicals you want within your body. As you become more balanced mentally and spiritually, the chemicals in your body automatically balance themselves, but as you become more unbalanced mentally or spiritually, the corresponding chemicals become imbalanced in your system.

The constitution of man is not physical; it is etheric, emotional, mental, and spiritual.

When Christ, Buddha, Zoroaster, Mohammed, and all the Great Ones were talking about virtues, They were not talking about religion but about science. Hate, for example, hardens your arteries and creates imbalance in the thymus gland. The electrical palpitations of the gland are distorted by hate. But if you love, the thymus gland readjusts, organizes, and harmonizes itself.

-Torkom Saraydarian
New Dimensions in Healing

Causes of depression - Having a great vision

The second cause of depression is to have such a great vision about which you can do nothing, and you get depressed. You can feel this in a different way when you visit a great man and think to yourself, "What am I? Nothing..."

When you feel that there is a great power, Infinite Space, and you feel small, you may feel depressed. This is why so many people are depressed -- not because of their guilt but because they confront something beyond their comprehension.

Instead of falling into depression, you can take one small step at a time. One little step will take you closer to your vision.

You love humanity. Then you turn on the television, and everybody is killing each other. "I don't want to write and read and pray any more. It's not working," you say. This is spiritual depression. You try to solve a mathematical problem, but it is so big and you cannot solve it. This is mental depression. You love somebody so deeply, but she hates you. This is emotional depression.

All such depressions at various times play their games with you, but because you do not really know what your depression is, you do not see that you are really depressed in certain moments, in certain levels. The causes, you know now, are guilt feelings and great visions you cannot reach.

-Torkom Saraydarian
New Dimensions in Healing

Causes of depression - Guilt

The first cause is the feeling of guilt. When you feel, think, and know that you did something wrong to yourself or to others physically, with your feelings, or with your thoughts and words, you feel guilty. By thinking about your wrong doing, you build an image of yourself, and this image builds an etheric, emotional, and mental layer around your aura and isolates you to some degree from life currents circulating in the Universe.

You also create a cleavage between your personality and your Real Self. Such an isolation and cleavage deprives you of these vehicles, and they fall separately or collectively into inertia, into depression.

Guilt leads to inertia and depression. That is why when you clean your conscience, you will never be depressed. But our conscience gets loaded and loaded by small things that we do. For example, we know that evil talk is no good, but we talk, gossip, criticize, and it accumulates. Then we steal a little, lie a little. Then we do something else. Eventually we become physically, emotionally, and mentally out of order, and we fall away from conscious contact with our conscience. When these things accumulate and come to their saturation point, depression starts.

The first thing you must know is that the cause of depression is moral and spiritual. It is related to the conscience and to your sense of righteousness, purity, and beauty. When that sense is strong in you, you are unfolding through the sense of beauty, unity, purity, synthesis, cleanness, and wholeness.

But when you act against these things you depress yourself because anything you do against the principles and laws of Nature is a load that you put on your nervous system. You decrease your spiritual Self and increase your material self, and this creates a tremendous imbalance in your system.

How to get rid of guilt?

The first thing is to repeat the following mantram with concentration and faith:

More radiant than the Sun,
Purer than the snow,
Subtler than the ether
Is the Self,
The Spirit within my heart.
I am that Self.
That Self am I.

No matter what you did, no matter what you are in this stage of your evolution, God is within you. And God cannot make any guilt. It is your physical, emotional, and mental bodies that make mistakes, but not the God within you. You are God within you, not your bodies. If you develop this philosophy, you have a way to come out of depression.

Avoiding guilt feelings does not mean to imply that this should encourage you to fall into error. On the contrary, it will create a reverse reaction. Guilt means identification with your bodies, but as you think about your Self, you will be protected by Its light.

-Torkom Saraydarian
New Dimensions in Healing

Saturday, July 13, 2019

Love makes you live the future

Love gives you direction. Direction is the link between what you are now and what you can become in the future.

Love makes you see the future; love makes you live the future in your daily life. Health is living the future. Joy is the awareness that you are living in your future visions and achievements.

-Torkom Saraydarian
New Dimensions in Healing

Wednesday, July 10, 2019

Joy has a very healing effect on our physical, emotional, and mental bodies

Joy has a very healing effect on our physical, emotional, and mental bodies. It is a great vitamin and an antibiotic. It must be taken every day, even every hour if possible.

Joy is one of the greatest gifts of Nature. It is an energy which can be used in our daily life through all that we do, speak, and think.

A joyful man radiates healing energy. With the energy of joy, he builds a radioactive shield around his body in which his physical organs and glands are protected from any visible and invisible attacks. A joyful man also protects a group, a family; even one's belongings feel safe with a joyful man.

Animals act more intelligently in the presence of a joyful man. They love his smell, they love his radiant colors, and they obey him. A joyful man can train animals, and they do all possible things to please him because his joy nourishes them and gives them greater pleasure.

The articles and clothes that a joyful man uses last longer. Joy feeds them and keeps their magnetic aura healthy.

Flowers and trees adore a joyful man. In the presence of a joyful man, they emanate an extra quantity of fragrance to express their gratitude to him. Sometimes they even bloom out of season to greet him, to salute him, and to express their love to him.

Some poisonous plants do not harm those who are joyful. Plants do not like gloomy, negative people; they like joyful people because joy creates rapport between them. Through joy the communication field of plants extends, and they feel closer to the human kingdom and sense its strivings.

Plants, herbs, and trees sometimes give out secret emanations to those they love to heal them, to inspire them, to encourage them, and to keep them alive, healthy, and joyful. Plants, herbs, roots, and trees give their healing powers to those who have more love and more joy in their heart.

The same herb affects people differently. If a man is negative, full of ill will, hatred, and fear, the healing effect is much less. But if a man is joyful, he consumes the essence of the herb like a fire.

-Torkom Saraydarian
New Dimensions in Healing

Thursday, July 04, 2019

Joy is the electrical current of the Soul

Joy is the electrical current of the Soul which passes through the physical, emotional and mental bodies, aligns, integrates and charges them, and flows through them, creating a unity and synthesis through which the influence of your Soul expresses itself.

Joy increases as you leave behind the lower bodies and contact the Inner Watch from within your soul. Thus joy is not a condition, but a flow of Soul-energy, which you may even feel in certain adverse or challenging conditions. The moment you contact the Inner Guide, Its electricity is released. This is joy.

-Torkom Saraydarian

Monday, July 01, 2019

In the next century [21st], medicine will start to worry about the etheric, astral, and mental bodies

In the next century [21st], medicine will start to worry about the etheric, astral, and mental bodies. Before a man passes away, he will go through extensive treatment to put his astral and mental bodies in shape so that he continues his journey in the Higher Worlds in a state of health. Actually, from the esoteric viewpoint, the Teaching of Christ was the medicine to produce a healthy subtle body for the future journey.

-Torkom Saraydarian
New Dimensions in Healing

Wednesday, June 26, 2019

Volcanic eruptions are part of the battle in the Subtle World

Volcanic eruptions are part of the battle in the Subtle World. When the fire hits certain locations of the astral sphere to wipe away many obstructions, the corresponding fire from the earth rushes up to join in the battle and burn away the falling debris of the destruction. Thus, volcanic actions are controlled by the principle of purification.

The devas of the mountains are fiery devas, and they participate in the battle against dark forces.

Earthquakes are also used to clear away many obstructions created by the human hand. They are evoked by the destructive thoughts of human beings.

Hurricanes are controlled by mental entities, and they use hurricanes to clear away many thought formations; or they accumulate them in certain locations to burn through the power of lightning and thunder. This will seem like superstition to our scientists for a long time to come.

People think that bad weather, droughts, famines, and tornadoes originate from physical causes, whereas their causes lie in the lower levels of the Subtle World.

The increase of heart disease is also a sign that the lower sphere of the Subtle World is infecting the planet.

-Torkom Saraydarian
Other Worlds

Monday, June 24, 2019

One cannot cure a person from depression, irritation, and anguish until...

Most depressions, anguish, and irritation are caused by the thoughts of slander and malice as they burn the network of nadis [the etheric counterparts of the nerves] which are the instruments that collect drops of waves of joy and bliss. One cannot cure a person from depression, irritation, and anguish until the possibility of malice and slander is annihilated in him. The fire created by these two vices burns the roots of many future possibilities.

Thoughts of slander and malice attract numerous low-level elementals which hang around a person, preventing him from coming in contact with the forces of freedom and liberation.

There are also the fires of virtues, which, as they accumulate, increase the glow of the aura and make it a sphere of fire of many harmonious colors. This fire not only protects the man but also nourishes and strengthens every seed of beauty and every center in the various vehicles. The fires of virtues build a network of communication with Higher Worlds and expel any dark attack from lower elementals.

-Τορκόμ Σαραϊνταριάν
Other Worlds

Wednesday, June 12, 2019

Democracy is an atomic bomb

For a long time people thought that democracy is a sacred cow which could be milked in any situation to secure self-benefit. Thus democracy paved the way for those who were intelligent enough to use it to destroy the freedom of others and gain supremacy.

One day a friend of mine said, "Democratically, you have no right to prevent me from doing all kinds of crime and slandering people."

Truly, democracy is an atomic bomb that must not be given into the hands of those who are not ready yet to use it for the body of humanity.

People must be trained and disciplined to be world citizens before they advance in a pseudo democracy. True democracy cannot come by the force of law but by the light of real education.

-Torkom Saraydarian
Human Nature

Monday, May 27, 2019

Spiritual Imbalance

In the West and in the East, spiritual imbalance is a common phenomenon. It appears in those who, without preparation and readiness, climb the mountains of the Teaching to a high altitude and feel fascinated by the beauty and magnitude of heights. And they force themselves to stay on the summit. When they come back to their daily routine, they lose their balance. They cannot find a point of equilibrium between the summit and their daily life, and their mind and emotions enter into a state of imbalance.

When they come to the valley, they live in the summit and when they go to the summit, they live in the valley. In the valley of daily routine and labor they say, "Life is transient; nothing is real. Be indifferent about everything, forget about responsibilities and duties, and live a life that is not limited by laws and rules and regulations."

When they are on the summit, they talk about their pain and suffering, their desires, possessions, families, friends. They feel the pain of their past loves, divorces, and marriages. They do not fit in the valley nor in the summit.

Imbalanced people go to the streets and stages and shout, "Do not think that you exist. It is all vain, all shadows -- all is emptiness." They do not have any knowledge about anything that is real, so they live an unreal life between their dreams and daily facts.

When people notice such behavior, they say that these people are philosophers. Sometimes they say, "They are nothing." Other times the say, "They are important people."

Reality is the balance between spirit and matter, between the abstract and concrete.

Imbalanced people say, "Do not listen to all the wise words you hear; just experience life. Let life flow through you." But if you ask them about life, they do not have any concept about it. They talk and talk, always contradicting themselves. They want people to listen to them, but they give them only confusion.

They say, "Go deeper into yourself and you will find nothing - no self. There is only emptiness there." This is the state when they lose their balance. WHO is really going deep and experiencing if there is no one there? It is just at this point that they lose contact with their sanity. Such distorted minds say, "There is only nothingness in you." But how can one know that there is nothingness in himself if he is a nothing?

They say, "There is no soul, no individuality. There is no me; there is no you." When then did life create you and me and others? Why are you denying the existence of all things that exist that can be proven by our senses?

Multiplicity is as real as unity. Multiplicity has its time and unity has its time. Both are real. Unity cannot deny multiplicity and multiplicity cannot deny unity.

Some of these people are very engaged in concepts of the Teaching such as voidness, emptiness. Because emptiness and voidness for them are physical phenomena, they do not see the fact that emptiness in reality refers to fullness, reality, objectivity.

Such people advise us and say, "Do nothing." It means to lie down in your spiritual and physical grave.

Striving is a process to remove all hindrances against your growth and expansion. It takes action, effort, struggle, and patience.

Not a single atom is static. All is active. All is going to its destination. To have destination and to strive toward it bring sanity.

The real Teaching does not cause confusion, but step by step expands the consciousness and makes people sense the reality on their own plane.

There is only reality. Unreality does not exist. The Teaching helps people to live in reality wherever they are. Having reality makes people real.

-Torkom Saraydarian
Human Nature

Sunday, May 26, 2019

Conscious humiliation

In the western world, people protect their pride and ego by all means, even unto death.

But on the path of spiritualization, people feel their worthlessness and go through a discipline of conscious humiliation. For example, they stand under the midnight stars and feel their nothingness. They stand in front of oceans, in the presence of tornadoes, earthquakes, floods, and see how insignificant the are. Also, they realize and understand the greatness of geniuses - great painters, scientists, heroes, artists -- and see how their life flows in valleys and canyons.

But the greater humiliation comes when a person, possessing the gift of great visions and understanding of higher principles and standards, sees his own failures, defeats, the poverty of his life, and his lack of fulfillment.

In some spiritual disciplines, humiliation is the first step to crush your ego and vanity, your dream castles, and get you to feel your own level of reality. After you feel your own level of reality, you begin to travel toward the heights with a true sense of reality and humility.

-Torkom Saraydarian
Human Nature

Saturday, May 25, 2019


Some people when they feel the uselessness of their life with a awareness of failure, maliciously attack others, slander them, and try to destroy their reputation and life. This they do just to make themselves feel that they still have value, they still exist, and they still can operate and draw attention from people. But in such an effort to prove to themselves that they still exist, they find themselves in deeper and deeper despair and emptiness.

For a while the fight against their victim keeps them alive, but as the victim is knocked down or even annihilated or is unmoved by their attack, they feel that they have totally lost their existence. This leads them to depression and suicide.

The awareness of your existence cannot be restored by the destruction of others but by the affirmation of the existence of others. Attacking others slowly reduces your existence. Recognizing the values of others builds your awareness of your own existence.

People destroy themselves in trying to destroy others for the sake of their hatred, anger, jealously, and fear.

Man is created in such a way that he can regenerate and vivify himself only in regenerating and vivifying others. This is a most mystic law.

People slowly become like vacant and abandoned houses in trying to deny others their values and beauty. They wait anxiously to see an error in others by their own standard or by their malice in order to attack them. Such an attack is like a thief who takes away furniture from your home and carries the furniture to another home, the owners of which you hate.

Our individuality is built only by the moments of recognition of the values of others, or in moments when we try to help others to overcome their errors. By giving light you increase your light. By giving your love, you increase your love. By trying to make people beautiful, you increase the resources of your beauty.

-Torkom Saraydarian
Human Nature

Sunday, May 19, 2019

Try to be future oriented

Try to be future oriented. Always look for and ask, "What will be the result of my actions, thoughts, emotions, relationships?"

To be future oriented means to consider the results of your actions. Why are you doing certain kinds of things? "I want to be happy now." But what about tomorrow?

To be future oriented means to consider the effects of your actions not only for tomorrow but for future lives. Future orientation also means to have a vision for yourself and strive for it.

-Torkom Saraydarian
Human Nature

Thursday, May 16, 2019

When the solar plexus is reversed

The solar plexus is a central station for most human beings. It has higher and lower sections. Most of the healing energies come to the body through the higher part of the solar plexus. When the rotation of the entire solar plexus is reversed, there is no way to receive healing energies.

When the solar plexus is reversed, it puts strong pressure on the heart and head centers and thus disturbs the balance of the human being. It is most probable that the person will start thinking and feeling in negative ways.

When the reversed rotation of the solar plexus continues, the health of the person slowly deteriorates, and in addition his relations with people become negative, harmful, and regretful.

You can see the reversal of the solar plexus in the eyes of people. You can see it in their manners and conversations. Such people are called "reversed" people. They reverse things that they hear and use in a reversed way all that they learn. One must observe these people to learn about the effects of reversal.

Our solar plexus temporarily reverses itself when we listen to slander and gossip, and if we engage in such behavior ourselves, the reversed condition becomes permanent.

There are many ways to remove such a condition of reversal. But when you are already in reverse rotation, it is as difficult to save yourself as it is to save a boat that is close to a waterfall. However, prayer, heavy labor, wormwood oil, massage, and healthy companions can minimize the danger.

There are two important factors which make our life richer and happier. One is forgiveness; the other one is good memories. Good memories are like sunshine, food, joy, and energy on the path of our life.

When we increase our good memories, we help all our centers to rotate in their natural way. Good memories are sources of joy, and there is no better food for the centers than joy.

Bad memories deprive us of joy, and when they are mixed with the spirit of unforgiveness, they slow down the rotation of the centers and can even reverse their rotation.

It is very interesting to realize that good memories have a deep relation to the spirit of forgiveness. Life is very tough, and we pass through the thorns of life unharmed only through the spirit of forgiveness.

Centers in our bodies are distributors of life energy. If they are in proper rotation, they bring in the life energy. If they revolve in reverse, they exhaust the life energy, just like certain pumps which remove water when they are turned in reverse and fill an area with water when they rotate properly.

Our overall mechanism needs the energies of love, joy, and prana, and the currents of these energies are interrupted by bad memories, harmful actions, and revengeful tensions. All these cause the centers to reverse their rotation, starting with the solar plexus.

-Torkom Saraydarian
Other Worlds

Sunday, May 12, 2019

Violence saps the psychic energy

People enjoy violence in movies, television, books, and political actions, but if they would realize how violence saps their psychic energy and leaves them as an abandoned house, they would never even think about violence. Violence destroys the magnetism of a man, a place, or a nation, and then brings disaster to that person or location for a long time.

A day will come when global law will prevent any form of violence because it is violence that rends the protective shield and invites destruction to an individual, groups and nations, and to humanity.

If one reads history intelligently, one can see how, in ten, twenty five, one-hundred years' time, nations have been destroyed or economically paralyzed because of national violence.

Those places where violence was exercised continuously are the blind spots on the planet, and they will never attract psychic energy for a long time. And wherever there is no psychic energy, that place will be spiritually, culturally, and morally barren.

People think that having the power to commit violence is a sign of victory, superiority, or protection. But history shows that violence committed individually leads to many physical, moral, and psychological diseases, and violence committed nationally makes that nation slowly degenerate and eventually enter the path of disintegration.

Where there is no psychic energy, hosts of dark forces gather and eventually possess multitudes and lead them into movements and actions against their own survival, happiness, and health.

-Torkom Saraydarian
Psychic Energy

Saturday, May 11, 2019

Addictions, habits and associations

Addicts and victims of various habits must be treated in a location different from their usual environment and among different people, to separate them as much as possible from those objects which feed the "associates" and their core or source.

Becoming "de-hypnotized" is the path of self-discovery. Every great Teacher is a "de-hypnotizer," one who strips people of their glamors, illusions, vanity, and ego, and makes them sense the Self. In most cases, the presence of the Teacher dissolves the hypnotic core and its associates.

One must remember that our glamors, illusions, vanities, and egos are mostly layers of "associates." An associate is a link to the core of the habit. Sometimes great calamities, personal failures, pain, suffering, and loss destroy the core and its associates.

-Torkom Saraydarian
Other Worlds

Sunday, May 05, 2019

Science has not yet researched the human breath

When a person speaks, you can see in the breath etheric, astral, and mental elements. Science has not yet researched the human breath. In coming decades, an electronic analyzer will be built to analyze the human breath and identify the etheric, astral, and mental pollutions spreading not only in the aura of the person but also into Space. Thus, we spread subtle diseases through our breath, or we radiate healing currents through our breath and words or through our speech.

-Torkom Saraydarian
New Dimensions in Healing

Friday, May 03, 2019

Sleep is sacred

One idea you must plant firmly in your consciousness is that sleep is sacred; nothing must interfere with your sleep because sleep puts you in contact with Higher Worlds.

One can improve his sleep if he sleeps in a room that is very simply furnished, one that has the least amount of furniture and objects. Thoughts, emotions, and entities in Space disturb one's sleep. In addition, thoughts, emotions, and emanations attached to objects and furniture can also do the same. For higher flights, all preparations and precautions must be taken, and small matters must not be neglected.

-Torkom Saraydarian
Other Worlds, p.153

Wednesday, May 01, 2019

The images of saints

It is interesting that for one hundred years a phenomenon happened in families. People slowly took the pictures or images of saints from the walls and replaced them with images of "movie stars" and political heroes. This showed a significant change in the consciousness of humanity. And as they brought to their home more worldly images, the morality of the world gradually degenerated.

People thought that the images or pictures of the saints were outmoded or outdated, and that they could not play any role in the modern technological , scientific world.

The images of saints were rare sources of inspiration for the general public. They were the symbols of purity, transformation, labor, dedication, devotion, gratitude, and sacrifice. They symbolized the bridge between the mundane world and the supermundane world, the subjective world of love, joy, and transcendence.

In removing the pictures of the saints, such a source of inspiration and energy evaporated. Instead they were replaced with "stars" who strongly affected the children of the new generations. A majority of them learned from these images how to hate, how to kill, how to smoke, how to drink, how to use violence, how to commit murder, how to divorce, how to fool around, how to destroy families, how to destroy buildings, cars, and bridges, how to hate religious figures, and even how to hate sanctuaries.

The new generations worshipped those modern "saints" and as they worshipped them, they imitated the lives of those modern heroes and even literally identified with them. The images of real saints were taken away from their hearts, and the source of higher inspirations for them was generally over.

Who are the saints? Factually they are the ideal of the people's soul. Every one of us in our soul aspires to beauty, purity, joy, freedom.

All these aspirations accumulate and incarnate with the soul. Saints are the path that leads us to our higher nature, to our spiritual realms, giving us guidance, inspiration, and courage in our daily difficulties and problems. To be cut from such a source of influence results in the condition that we have in the world.

Those who aspire to be heroes and saints eventually develop all the characteristics of saints and heroes and are born into humanity.

Some people think that it is impossible to be a saint in the conditions that we have. Saints have always been born in the most adverse conditions, but in spite of impossible conditions their shone their light and built the path of liberation for millions of souls. It is even true to say that the adverse conditions of life not only increased their radioactive beauty but became also a means to spread their influence all over the world.

Esoterically, a saint is one who has passed through the Initiation of Transfiguration. Unless he is an Initiate of Transfiguration, he cannot shine the divine light that is within him through all his lower vehicles. Thus a saint is a radioactive diamond of divine light.

Saints are not only religious people. They are also politicians, educators, philosophers, artists, scientists, and economists.

Actually in a few decades the worship of saints will start again and increase, but such a worship will not be for the "salvation of our souls." Such a worship will be a process of cultivation and actualization of those divine characteristics which the saints have. It will be an intellectual, spiritual worship, a worship that will lead us to the source of courage, knowledge, inspiration, energy, endurance, fearlessness, and persistence and will equip us to render extraordinary service for the race called "humanity."

The images of saints are not images of persons but symbols of higher realities and evidences of higher achievements.

-Torkom Saraydarian
Teachings of Great Ones