Thursday, July 30, 2020

Gratitude creates right human relations

Gratitude creates right human relations. Right human relations are established when you start appreciating others and being grateful to them. With gratitude you relate to others in beauty. You can even raise the consciousness of others by relating to them in gratitude.

Gratitude increases in others the beauty and the willingness to give and opens in them new channels to manifest their own spiritual gifts. For example, if someone helps you and you do not appreciate their help, eventually they will stop helping you. This is human nature. But if you say "thank you" and express your gratitude, that person will give more of himself.

Sincerity must always stand behind your gratitude. Expressing gratitude without sincerity is like writing checks without having the money in the bank to cover them.

-Torkom Saraydarian
Other Worlds

Friday, July 24, 2020

Before we pass away certain preparations must be done

Before one passes away it will be better for him if he cleans all his debts and bad feelings with people, makes peace with them, and creates good relations and friendship. We must not carry our animosities into the subjective world, and, as much as possible, things must be corrected here on the objective plane.

It is also very important to watch our responsibilities and not pass away before we met our responsibilities toward all those who are close to us.

When the heart is purified, the angels will receive you in the Subtle World and decorate your path with flowers and music.

It is also very beneficial to resolve tensions and problems existing between you and others, dead or alive, before you enter the Subtle World. Thoughts of people, alive or dead, strongly affect your life in the Subtle World. If they are full of a benevolent spirit and love, you will have less obstacles on your path in the Subtle World. This is why it is more beneficial to have friends with you than to have those whom you hurt.

Of course, you will have your enemies in the objective and subjective worlds, but they will not be able to hurt you or even affect you if they were not hurt by you in a real sense. One can create an enemy even be being beautiful, successful, and righteous. Such enemies can only strengthen your energies and help you climb higher.

But if you have people around you whom you used for your selfish ends and hurt, or whose evolution you blocked and whom you eventually made your enemies, their thoughts will affect you and you need to clear your account with them before you can travel at full speed.

This is why the Teaching tells us that before we pass away certain preparations must be done. In certain countries or traditions when people pass age fifty-five or sixty, they withdraw from life and pass the rest of their life in the mountains, in monasteries, in meditation and contemplation, or in dedicating their life to a voluntary service for people. They think that by living a life of meditation and service they pay back all known and unknown debts that they had toward a certain number of people. If such people are wealthy, they often distribute a major part of their wealth to their families, friends, and strangers and systematically enter a life of discipline, renunciation, silence, or dedicated service.

One can see the deep wisdom behind such disciplines which promise that person a better condition in the subjective world.

When the conditions in the subjective world are right, man will not lose time there and he will gather a great amount of wisdom and make better decisions for his future life on earth.

We are told that the path of those who dedicated their lives for humanity and spread love, joy, blessings, wisdom, and beauty is decorated with aromatic flowers, lights, and music. Such individuals pass into higher levels of the astral plane and enjoy great beauties there.

-Torkom Saraydarian
Thought & the Glory of Thinking

Thursday, July 23, 2020

Thought accumulates in articles, in auras, and in space

Thought accumulates in articles, in auras, and in space. If it is good, it brings durability to articles, growth to seeds and trees, and health to human beings and animals.

If it is bad or evil, it hurts, harms, and wounds the articles and prevents life in them; it stops growth and makes them break, dry up, and die.

If it enters the aura, it conditions the function of the centers, glands, and nervous system and conditions the health, happiness, beauty, and long life of the subject. If it is bad, it brings sickness, unhappiness, ugliness, trouble, and a short life.

One of the reasons that Masters want to remain isolated is to avoid being bombarded by human thought.

Thought accumulates in space and becomes a cause for crime and destruction, or a center of light and inspiration. People of goodwill, culture, and beauty receive inspiration from the latter accumulations. People of the dark path receive their inspiration from evil accumulations and use them for destruction and crime.

Once a man thinks, his thoughts already become the property of space in the subjective and objective worlds. Thoughts can be carried out by thinking, words, voice, gestures, letters, books, and arts.

Thought is common property. Everyone shares every thought, good or bad. This is why one must think with a pure sense of responsibility.

-Torkom Saraydarian
Thought & the Glory of Thinking

Sunday, July 19, 2020

What are the Archetypes?

Archetypes are those archetypal thoughtforms created by the Divine Mind operating in the Cosmic Mental Plane. The Cosmic Mental Plane is fiery electricity in which exists what we call beauty. The Divine Mind contemplated and created these Archetypes which are saturated with harmony, symphony, and unimaginable beauty. Thus the Great Architect visualizes and builds the Archetype of a man, and then He projects that image into Space.

The image passes through many planes and meets many forces and elements and eventually becomes a "monkey-like" man. But in that "monkey-man" the seed of the Archetype exists. And he goes back "home," age after age, until he becomes exactly that which the Great Architect visualized for him.

We are told that the most exalted beauty on the earthly plane is a muddy shadow of an Archetype.

We have heard that God created man in His image. This is a mysterious statement. The reality is that the Cosmic Mind created man in the image of the Archetype. This image is in the human being, and the human being will never be satisfied on the pathway to achievement and becomingness until he reaches the measure of his Archetype, the measure of his future. The perfect man in heaven is the man who became like his Archetype or became his Self on the Cosmic Mental Plane.

-Torkom Saraydarian
Thought & and the Glory of Thinking

Mental traps

It is as bad to be a prisoner in the mental or astral sphere as it is to be a physical plane prisoner. Most intellectuals live in the caves of the lower strata of the mental plane, chained with their dogmas, doctrines, scientific formulas, political viewpoints, and religious fanaticism. They do not even enjoy the summits of the Himalayas and the splendid colors and sacred symphonies of the higher mental plane.&

Those who are stuck to their mental life, and live in their philosophy, science, and politics only, will be stuck in the mental world like prisoners until they make a breakthrough into the sphere of integration and harmony.

One of them came to me and said, "I invented this and that and made lots of money, but I feel I have failed in my life. I am frustrated and depressed, and I can't even see any meaning in these intellectual games..."

We call such intellects "trapped fools."

Mental traps are more difficult to destroy than any other traps. So-called theology and religious fanaticism are nothing else but mental traps. Christ warned His followers and advised them to exercise love and tolerance, but the intellectual trap, with the claws of pride, got them.

-Torkom Saraydarian
Thought & the Glory of Thinking

Saturday, July 18, 2020

Reading the Teaching of Great Ones creates a magnetic field in our aura

Reading the Teaching of Great Ones creates a magnetic field in our aura. This is not mysticism but science. When our thoughts are electrically fused with the thoughts, visions, and revelations of a Great One, a current of energy from the sphere of His thought is created and accumulated in our aura, purifying, transforming, and sublimating it, and expanding the field of its radiation.

It does not matter when His words were pronounced. Higher thoughts of the Great Ones are like an electrical network which persists for ages around the globe. One can tune in or key in with such an electrical sphere just by reading Their words with concentration, with faith, and with heart. As one focuses his whole being in greater concentration within the ideas of the words, greater becomes the flow of energy into his aura.

-Torkom Saraydarian
Thought & the Glory of Thinking

Thursday, July 16, 2020

If you want to be healthy...

If you want to be healthy, do not do things against the laws of health. This is such a simple statement. Observe the laws of health on physical, emotional, and mental levels.

Momentary, short-range happiness and good feelings do not mean health. You can be healthy for one day but sick for months. You can be healthy for a year but sick for the rest of your life. You can be healthy for one life but sick for many, many lives. The seeds of sickness germinate in different lives, in different climates and conditions, so do not be happy that you have escaped pain and suffering in living a life against the laws of health.

One must be guided from childhood to observe the laws of health, and one must know that the laws of health, when observed, help you forever in eternity. One must make the world beautiful to enjoy it in the next life, as one makes his home beautiful to enjoy it in this life.

-Torkom Saraydarian
Thought & the Glory of Thinking

Monday, July 13, 2020

Death is not an escape

Some people believe that when one passes away, he either leaves all his troubles behind and enters into the peace of paradise or he enters into an everlasting suffering. Such an assumption is not in accord with reality. Man leaves his physical body, but he still has his astral and mental bodies, plus all his memories of many lives if he is advanced.

Our astral body is sometimes the cause of all suffering tasted through our physical body. And very often it is the mental body and our thoughts that lead our physical existence into paths of suffering, pain, and karmic involvements and complications, The physical life reflects all that exists in the subtle planes, but, if the reflecting agent is taken away, it does not mean that the originating source of the reflection does not still exist. We carry with us all our troubles into the Subtle World; or, it is even better to say, we become aware of them in the Subtle World.

Thus we can say that death is not an escape, as if all your bills are paid, all your problems are solved, and suddenly you enter into the Subtle World as a new being. It is human imagination that created the concept of beginning and end. There is only one reality, which can be termed CONTINUITY.

-Torkom Saraydarian
Thought & the Glory of Thinking

Sunday, July 05, 2020

TWO SOULS (poem)

Two human souls are attracted to each other
by two Angels Who, like fiery magnets, shine above them.

When two Angels, age-long friends from former solar systems, meet each other,
They like to bring the souls They guide closer to each other.

This is why in one glance people love each other.

This is why an insignificant meeting reveals the hidden love within two hearts.
This is why in mysterious ways people meet each other.

As in human life so in the life of the Angels,
There is love, there is Cosmic attraction, there is purpose, there is labor to be performed...

Their work prospers and expands if the two souls They guide
are in mutual understanding and dedicated to a great goal, to a great service for humanity.

This is why a family is sacred, a friendship is sacred, a nest is sacred.

The Angels work hard to impress upon two souls to be loyal and keep their lives pure.
Each conflict between the souls, each misunderstanding, separation or divorce
is like a dagger in the hearts of the Angels.

Each union, each joy, each bliss between the souls,
is a bonfire of exaltation for the Angels.

The duty of each human soul is to climb the ladder of the physical, emotional, and mental planes
and recognize each other as souls.

After they know each other as souls,
they will be all-beauty in all their manifestations.

The sacred labor of a soul is to evoke the beauty hidden in the other soul,
to give wings to the other soul.

Every love and marriage starts only for this sacred labor...
But how many souls can attain it?

The infusion with the Angel will not take place
until a human soul is able to fuse with another soul.

When two souls sound as one note,
they attract the field of energy of the Angels, which fuses with them.

Thus the fire of the two Angels makes possible
the fiery blossom of the spirit within the core of two souls.

First the souls attract each other by mutual physical affinity.
Then emotional ties are woven. Later the mental waves dance with each other.
In deeper and deeper unity people dedicate their lives to each other
to be able to serve humanity as one soul.

Still, in advanced conditions souls fuse with each other
to serve the Plan of Great Ones and manifest the One will
through their unified field of energy.

Blessed are unions, fiery friendships, heroic dedications
in the name of sacrificial service for the One Life.

Those who can fuse with the beauty and power of their Angels
will be the carriers of fire and beauty on the path of humanity.

-Torkom Saraydarian
From My Heart

Thursday, July 02, 2020

People from the Fiery World can descend and perform miraculous operations

People from the Fiery World can descend into the astral and physical worlds and perform many miraculous operations on the human body. They can even stop machines and cars, if they see great dangers in them, or transport various objects from great distances.

It is also reported that they can catch bombs and place them safely on earth before they explode. There is a group of astral servers who are organized to minimize the dangers of the war games which humanity plays so seriously and with great hatred and animosity.

Some advanced Initiates can use Their astral hands to move objects or write a letter in front of an audience. People think this is magic, or that it is performed by unseen forces. In reality, man can use his invisible astral hands and perform many actions.

The astral hands can penetrate into the body without damaging the body and perform a certain kind of surgery. To do this, higher clairvoyance and complete control over the astral hands and fingers are needed. Such people appear as if they were motionless, but their astral hands are in action.

-Torkom Saraydarian
Other Worlds