Wednesday, February 08, 2012

Dark nights of the soul

In the dark nights of the soul we realize how many stupid things we did in the past. We face them. We become depressed as we understand how much damage we did and how much we owe. All of these feelings and karmic debts put us in heavy depression. This becomes a dark night if we do not remember that, initially, we are Sparks of God. When we remember this, we get out of that tunnel of darkness and find ourselves out in the sunshine.

The dark night is also a period in which you prepare and "wind" yourself. For example, bears hibernate during the winter for several months. They gather energy and regenerate themselves. You are going to be like the bears. When the dark nights come, take it easy. They will pass. Your destination is your Father's Home. But you must walk there. The Father is not going to come to you and say, "Here, I will take you home." You are going to walk toward home and this is not easy.

-Torkom Saraydarian

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