Tuesday, June 16, 2020

The energy of blessing

Bliss or blessing, is nothing else but the flow of energy coming from your Core. Every human being has this reservoir of energy we call blessing because each of us is a Spark of God. The energy of the Almighty One Who created the whole of the Universe and Cosmos is within each of us.

This energy of blessing flows through certain people more than others. Their secret is that they use it, and others do not use it. Why is it that some people do not use this energy? Instead of blessing people and events, instead of looking life from the viewpoint of blessing, they curse it. They create attitudes and actions that separate, distort, destroy, and stop the flow of energies of blessing. The electricity of the energy of bliss is cut by hatred, fear, anger, jealousy, revenge, slander, and gossip. Negative thinking and hopelessness stop the flow of electricity. And because 80% of humanity is in these negative attitudes, emotions, and states of consciousness, they do not let the current of divine energy flow out of them.

We all should try to control ourselves so that we can increase the energy of blessing in our lives. What are you going to bless? For example, you can make the experiment of blessing your flowers. People have made this test by blessing several pots of flowering plants and leaving several other pots unblessed. The blessed plants grew strong and opened their flowers while the others were still in bud.

You can bless your flowers, trees, and even your money. Bless any money that is given to you either mentally or with your hands, and you will see the difference. You can bless your clothing and your food. Before you drink a cup of water, bless it. Before you use your bed, before you take any piece of furniture into your home, you can bless it. And before you shake hands with someone, bless their hands.

Why should we do this? People and things are loaded with negative emotions and negative electricity, especially money! So much irritation, so much hatred, revenge, negative emotions and thoughts are attached to money that you must not put it in your pocket unless it is first blessed.

These things are very simple. But if you do them you will see that an energy begins to flow through you, through your hands. Energy flows through the palms, especially, because there are two centers there. Clairvoyants can see a bluish light radiating from the palms of someone who is doing a blessing.

In ancient times the blessing of children was considered to be very important, and children would even fight among themselves about who would receive father's blessing. And a marriage that is blessed is a different marriage from one that is not. Fathers and mothers must bless their children every day. They must put their hands on their head and make a great wish, "Today until you come back you will be healthy, happy, creative, strong, courageous, and daring. You will be a beautiful boy, a beautiful girl." But we do not do that. We are too busy to bless our children.

That blessing slowly, slowly penetrates into our children because they receive five percent, six percent, ten percent, two hundred percent. Eventually it becomes their nature. It establishes itself within their nature. The boy or the girl who is receiving this blessing energy becomes a different student, a different man or woman in the world. But it happens gradually, slowly, not at once, because bliss energy is really energy, is a very high frequency, and it cannot be assimilated immediately. It takes time and penetrates into our nature slowly, slowly.

Then you must bless, of course, your food. We are now used to fast foods. We go and swallow it without blessings. But blessings are very important for the food because the food is prepared by so many people who have icky feelings, icky thoughts, icky attitudes, and all our actions are nothing else but electrical. This emotion is electrical, this mind is electrical, this action is electrical. When we deal with the food with hatred, jealousy, revenge, fear, anger, irritation, the food assimilates this pollution. The food assimilates our bad thoughts. If the plates are very beautiful, the decorations are very beautiful and we start eating without blessings, we eat the feelings, the thoughts of those people who prepared that food.

You are going to bless your wife, your husband every morning. You are going to bless the babies who are not born yet so that they come with that blessing.

Is it possible to live as a unit of blessing? How can we bless people? First of all, your presence must be a blessing. A healthy, creative, talented, and compassionate human being is a blessing to others. People who have energy, time, and money to sacrifice for the progress of others are a blessing. You can be a blessing for others through your donations to beneficial institutions and individuals, through your creative work, and through sharing what you know. An enlightened man is a great blessing to those who come in contact with him. He teaches you and his smile is a blessing.

It is not only your hands which can transmit blessings, but also your eyes and your presence as a whole. Your voice can be a blessing or an irritation to other people, depending on what it carries. Some people's voice make you want to instantly escape because there is no blessing of any kind in their voices. There is only hatred, separatism, jealousy, and fear.

Your smile, walk, manners, your whole beingness and expressions can bless people because every action is a fountain manifesting your innermost energy reservoir. Whatever you do, you are spreading energy. So you are going to become a blessing in the world -- because as you become a blessing, you are blessed. You give blessings to receive more blessings.

Are you able to see the blessings that you do have? Or do you say, "I don't have this, I don't have that. It is raining, it is snowing, and I want a pair of shoes that I can't buy. We find a million things to complain about. The first step to destroy your magnetism and electricity is to complain, because that means you are not grateful to God or to the Universe that has given you everything.

Blessing is very nice. Instead of becoming every morning sour and hateful and angry, you bless everything and you become a blessing. That is the goal of every human being.

Blessing energy changes the genes. That is one of the mysteries not yet revealed to physicians. Blessing changes the character of the genes and replaces them with healthier and supernatural genes.

Blessing creates in the blood those agents which go and attack degenerating cells and replace them with generating cells.

Blessing energy must be deeply investigated by science to find how blessings can be used in many difficult cases. Be blessed. Bless others.


Q: How are blessings done?

A: If you are blessing with your hand, you visualize a light in your palm that is flaming into the head of that person. The head center is charged. This is to give energy.

You can heal by transmitting energy into the forehead.

If you are blessing with your voice, you whisper, and send the blessing through your voice.

If you are blessing with your thought, you imagine the subject and surround him with violet energy.

-Torkom Saraydarian

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