Agitation in our body, emotions, and thoughts is caused when our psychic energy is trapped in them and is in a state of friction with our maya, glamors, and illusions.
As a training for calmness, we can try the following exercises:
1. Try not to be shocked or excited in unexpected circumstances.
2. Try not to be alarmed by health conditions, the economic situation, or in hearing or reading bad news about the world tension.
3. Try to be detached when people attack you by letter or by words.
4. Try to be calm when you lose a precious object.
5. Try to be calm and indifferent when a friend leaves you or when a dear one passes away.
6. Try not to be excited if people honor and glorify you or bring gifts to you.
7.Try to be detached during a great success or great achievement.
8. Try to be fast without falling into the fever of impatience or panic.
The disciples of the future will be more influential if they train themselves in the art of calmness, as in the future greater storms and greater labors are waiting on their path. Such a battle is carried on, not in hatred, not in irritation, not in panic or insanity but in the spirit of deep calmness.
-Torkom Saraydarian

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