Tuesday, December 31, 2019

In the month of Capricorn - Overcome pride and showing off

Those born in Capricorn often try to show off. Showing off means that you are identified with your physical, emotional, and mental outer shells; you are becoming the charcoal instead of the fire. A person shows off because he wants to prove to himself that he exists. He does this because he feels that he is empty inside, that he has no inner resources.

It is very important to understand that when you show off, you externalize yourself; you become matter, emotion, and thought. But you do not come closer to your True Self, which is beyond your personality.

People usually show off for only one reason -- because they feel a void inside them which makes them think they need someone else to prove they exist. They put their physical, emotional, and mental bodies on display so that people will say, "You are here. You are beautiful. You are funny."

-Torkom Saraydarian
The Wisdom of the Zodiac vol.4

Monday, December 30, 2019

Joy is mastery over your personality

Joy is an effort to control the elementals of your physical, emotional, and mental nature. Joy is mastery over your personality. Nobody can be a server if he has no joy.

Joy is so important because the world is depressed and the abyss of depression is so deep. A great Sage says that when you are joyful, you can jump over abysses. Joy has a special substance that enters the minds and hearts of people and brings them into sanity. If people are acting insanely around you, manifest joy, and you will see how they are coming to their senses.

-Torkom Saraydarian
The Wisdom of the Zodiac vol.4, p.74

Whatever you depend on, is eventually going to be taken away from you

Whatever you depend on, or whatever you cannot do without, is eventually going to be taken away from you. This is because when you identify yourself with something you are not, you lose your real Divinity. Then life creates these solar or zodiacal "winds" that come and blow away whatever you are not. The supports on which you are leaning are blown out from under you so that you stand on your own feet and eventually walk the path of self-actualization. A time will come when you will not depend on anything outside you, but you will depend only on your True Self, your real identity. If you depend on books, on teachers, on radio, television, artists, and movies, you will never advance. Only in breaking these dependencies and facing yourself can you advance.

-Torkom Saraydarian
The Wisdom of the Zodiac vol.4

Monday, December 23, 2019

Unless people have spiritual freedom, there will be no such thing as political freedom

Unless people have spiritual freedom, there will be no such thing as political freedom. To be free means that you are not identified with your physical body and its associates, your emotional body and its associates, your mental body and its associates. You sit in the car and tell the car, "Go where I want. Do not take me here. You must obey me."

Most of our life, the car drives us. Sit down and honestly ask yourself, "Who is driving whom?" Are you driving your body, emotions, and mind or are they driving you? If they are driving you, you are not safe on the freeway of the spiritual kingdom. Do not kid yourself. Try to face yourself without any hallucinations, preconceived ideas, or prejudices.

-Torkom Saraydarian
The Wisdom of the Zodiac, vol.4

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

We often impregnate our rooms, our gardens, our offices with worries, with negative feelings, with destructive thoughtforms

We often impregnate our rooms, our gardens, our offices with worries, with negative feelings, with destructive thoughtforms or various kinds. The sphere around our dwelling and working places gets so contaminated with such pollution that our soul has a hard time to breathe and to be creative.

Instead of such negative substances, we can fill our homes and offices with the substance of joy and love, and thus increase our vitality, creativity and service for the world.

"It is useful to impregnate space with joy." We seldom realize that as we think, feel and act, we inject various kinds of substance into space. Joy is a substance, fear is another substance. Love, hate and gratitude are different kinds of substances. It is necessary to ask ourselves what kind of substance are we dumping into the space?

"It is dangerous to strew the heavens with sorrow. Joy is the health of the spirit." A space stratified with sorrow is a space through which destructive and negative forces operate. Even germs like a space full of sorrow; they grow there more abundantly. Dark forces like depression and sorrow because they can easily control a person caught by sorrow and depression. Sorrow blocks the vision of the future, devitalizes your body and paralyzes your intellect.

-Torkom Saraydarian
The Flame of Beauty, Culture, Love, Joy

Thursday, December 12, 2019

In the month of Sagittarius - Silence

In the month of Sagittarius...

In an old book it says that the name of this sign is silence.

We must be totally silent toward cruel gossip. A person who has set his goal toward the Hierarchy and toward surpassing his limitations and entering his Divine heritage has no time for gossip because gossip creates the prison in which the aspirant buries himself. It will take ages and ages of labor for the disciple to free himself from that prison.

Spiritual silence is not just a matter of speech. It is a matter of holding your thinking. It is possible to speak subjectively about yourself, or to gossip without thinking. This is more dangerous than physical speech. Subjective talking is controlled when you control your lower mind. It is the lower mind that speaks negative things. If your consciousness if focused in your lower mind, you are the slave of gossip because the lower mind is mechanical. Anything can irritate it and make it react. This makes you the slave of conditions and circumstances.  When you control the lower mind and raise your consciousness higher than the lower mind, you can control the urge to speak and you keep silent.

-Torkom Saraydarian
The Wisdom of the Zodiac vol.3

Monday, December 09, 2019

The first step toward joy is scientific meditation

The first step toward joy is scientific meditation, through which you eventually achieve Soul-infusion. Scientific meditation is an effort to penetrate into the mind of the real Thinker, which is the Soul. This is the transpersonal Self - or the Inner Guide.

-Torkom Saraydarian
The Flame of Beauty, Culture, Love, Joy

Wednesday, December 04, 2019

Freedom means to live in such a way...

Freedom means to live in such a way that others have a greater chance to enjoy the blessings of life, and choose their own ways to live, their own ways to worship and their own ways to create. We know that man has no right to hurt any human being, but we have not yet learned that man has no right to hurt himself either.

Drugs, alcohol, unhealthy sex, and other unwholesome activities cannot be tolerated even on a personal basis, because the effect of any personal action is shared by all of us in one way or another.

No one has the right to say, "I can do anything I want to do with myself."

True freedom is the ability to choose the wisest way to act, to feel, to think, so that you increase the chance of survival, success and prosperity of all that exists.

-Torkom Saraydarian
The Flame of Beauty, Culture, Love, Joy

The source of Joy

Success is the result of a labor which is carried on in joy. Start your work with joy and the path of success will open in front of you. Communicate with joy, work with joy. Be joyful in all of your relationships, and even observe your failures with joy, in joy. Any failure observed in joy changes itself into success and victory. Any problems observed in joy dissolve. Joy is for Infinity. Joy is for changelessness. And joy is the witness of the imperishability of the human flame.

In the higher realms of the mental plane there is an energy center which resembles a lotus, or a chalice, radiating many colors when it is in full bloom.

Joy is the fragrance of the chalice, the lotus. As the petals of the lotus unfold, joy radiates out of the petals and gives vigor to the physical body, magnetism to the subtle body, and serenity to the mental body.

The lotus is the permanent source of joy. As it unfolds, joy increases. Joy is not conditioned by outer circumstances; it is like a beacon, the foundation of which rests on the ageless rocks.

Happiness is an effect of outer conditions. When favorable conditions change, happiness disappears, leaving the gloom of depression.

Joy never changes. It increases as the problems and conflicts increase in one's life. It grows in spite of conditions.

Joy is not a feeling, nor is it an emotion, it is a state of consciousness, a state which is detached from the domination of the three lower worlds.

Joy is not the absence of hindrances, problems, and difficulties. On the contrary, joy is the flash springing out of each victory earned by the inner man through these obstacles. Joy grows in battle, in conflict, in service, in sacrifice. Real joy creates crises and tensions, and overcomes them. This is how joy grows. Joy overcomes all hostilities, all doubt, and builds numberless bridges between the hearts.

Joy gives courage, inspiration and vision. It purifies, heals and sanctifies.

-Torkom Saraydarian
The Flame of Beauty, Culture, Love, Joy

Sunday, December 01, 2019

Our sense of responsibility is the most important tool in our hand

Our sense of responsibility is the most important tool in our hand. Those who have it are the guardian angels of humanity.

We do not belong to ourselves; we belong to each other, to our family, race, nation, humanity, and even to the universe. We can help the well-being of the universe, or be an evil influence within it. With our sense of responsibility, we unite ourselves with the constructive forces, with the Forces of Light in the universe, and are blessed in our individual and family life.

Our sense of responsibility is the end of our selfish motives and egocentric activities.

-Torkom Saraydarian
The Flame of Beauty, Culture, Love, Joy