Sunday, April 29, 2012

Service - Whom do we serve?

Whatever we think, speak or act, we are serving someone or something. The main question to ask is, "Whom and what am I serving?" Meditation upon this question will provide great illumination in our life. We often do not know the answer, but when we discover it, our life will change immensely.

We must find out for example, whether or not we are serving things like our vanity, ego, hatred, jealousy, sex, stomach, house, business, stupidity, or accumulated post-hypnotic suggestions. Most of humanity serves these things, which means that they dedicate their thoughts, actions, and feelings tot these things. Fortunately, there are those who are serving higher causes and higher values.

It is very good to sit for two or three minutes daily and consider what we are serving. Whatever we serve directs our energy, and we become the object of the thing we serve. The object of our service formulates and then builds our future image.

People find themselves in different living situations and conditions because they serve different "lords" - different objects or people. People's faces are different, their health and their lives are different because they serve different objectives. People who are half healthy/half sick, half beautiful/half ugly, are serving "mixed lords." Whatever object a person serves, he become that object.

Lord Buddha, in one of His lectures, said, "I became a Buddha because, throughout millions of ages, I served Buddhas." A superficial examination of this statement does not reveal much, but if a person meditates upon it, he will find something very important. For millions of ages and incarnations, Lord Buddha served other Buddhas - Those Who serve the Supreme Light. In this way, Lord Buddha's life was dedicated to the Light, the Great Purpose and Plan, the objectives of these Great Ones - and because of His service to these Great Ones, He became one of Them.

We see in this that a person cannot achieve spiritual heights and spiritual powers unless he dedicates his whole life to the service of a Great One, or serves the disciples of the Great Ones. In serving, a person is exerting and sublimating himself, and eventually the object of his service will reveal the great beauty that the server is in his essence.

-Torkom Saraydarian
The Sense of Responsibility in Society

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