Saturday, September 15, 2012

The reappearance of Christ

The reappearance [of Christ] has various aspects that we must bring into our consciousness. The reappearance is an organized, orchestrated movement for Christ to come and demonstrate to the earth that for two thousand years man has not awakened and has gone in wrong directions. The reappearance will be a new impact to show humanity that the Hierarchy exists, that Christ exists, that Masters exist, that higher levels of beingness exist, that Higher Worlds exist.

The reappearance is not like Christianity says. Their attitude toward the reappearance is very vulnerable. They think when Christ reappears, all problems of the world will be solved. He could not solve even the fishermen's problems when He came. He is not going to solve problems. He is trying to make you solve problems because of His Presence, by impressing a new vision on you.

There is no imposition by Him to make you change. He challenges us with beauty and higher knowledge.

It is not the Christ that brings peace; it is your recognition of Christ that makes peace possible.

-Torkom Saraydarian
Leadership vol.3

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