Monday, July 29, 2019

Causes of depression - Blocked psychic energy

When psychic energy is blocked in you and you cannot express it creatively, it causes depression. This begins at childhood, for example, when your mother says, "Don't do that... I told you not to dance... I told you not to play... Don't read it... Put that violin down... I don't want it... You are ugly..." etc. What happens? You become tightly coiled up within yourself. When it reaches the saturation point, you become depressed. In your mind you think, "I am worthless," and you believe it.

It is very difficult to untie that coil and release it, but you can do so with creative dancing, expression, jumping, running, and singing.

The result of such talk is very serious, and this is the reason why you must never belittle anyone. You should never say, "What's happening to you? You are losing weight... Your color is gone..." The person's aura will go from five feet to three feet. Say a little more and it will be one foot. Continue to say more and there will be no aura. On the contrary, tell the person, "You are so beautiful... Come on, you can do it... Failure is nothing but a great lesson... If you fail one hundred times, you are still going to be successful..." In this way you are helping the person release it.

-Torkom Saraydarian
New Dimensions in Healing

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