Thursday, December 12, 2019

In the month of Sagittarius - Silence

In the month of Sagittarius...

In an old book it says that the name of this sign is silence.

We must be totally silent toward cruel gossip. A person who has set his goal toward the Hierarchy and toward surpassing his limitations and entering his Divine heritage has no time for gossip because gossip creates the prison in which the aspirant buries himself. It will take ages and ages of labor for the disciple to free himself from that prison.

Spiritual silence is not just a matter of speech. It is a matter of holding your thinking. It is possible to speak subjectively about yourself, or to gossip without thinking. This is more dangerous than physical speech. Subjective talking is controlled when you control your lower mind. It is the lower mind that speaks negative things. If your consciousness if focused in your lower mind, you are the slave of gossip because the lower mind is mechanical. Anything can irritate it and make it react. This makes you the slave of conditions and circumstances.  When you control the lower mind and raise your consciousness higher than the lower mind, you can control the urge to speak and you keep silent.

-Torkom Saraydarian
The Wisdom of the Zodiac vol.3

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