Wednesday, March 04, 2020

You must believe in only one God

Sufis teach that you must turn your back to the world and become a worshiper of one God, not a worshiper of many gods. What is God? God is something that you believe in and trust. But most of us trust our bank accounts, our car, our friends, our boyfriends, girlfriends, our teachers, our police, our country. We have many gods; we are polytheists.

You must believe in only one God, nothing else. But people believe in millions of gods. Their dollars in their pocket are a god; their strength is a god; their certificate is a god; their position is a god. Which god do you want?

Sufis say you must not be a polytheist; you must not worship many gods. You must worship one God. For example, in a time of danger if you trust your strength before you trust God, you are worshiping yourself.  In a time of stress when you are calling somebody to help you before you call God, you are worshiping another god. When you are depressed, if you are calling a psychiatrist, a psychologist instead of calling God, you are worshiping other gods. It is a very advanced Teaching.

You should worship only one God. You must say, "I have faith in that Almighty Power and He will do good." You pray two, three days, and then the third day you give up. Well, you found another god or you lost the god that you had. Do you understand? Immediately when the radio, television, telephone comes you forget God and the angels. That is their Teaching, a heavy Teaching.

-Torkom Saraydarian
Teaching of Great Ones

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