Wednesday, August 05, 2020

Music carries the frequency of our consciousness

Music carries the quality of the composer plus the quality of the musician or singer performing it.

This is a point which has not been brought to the public's attention. Through music and singing, one transmits his own glamors, illusions, hatred, anger, fears, mental and emotional disorders and turbulences; or he transmits beauty, joy, healing, power, serenity, magnanimity, and bliss. Millions are influenced by music. Singing can pollute the minds and hearts of millions if the composer is a man wallowing in the mud of his own psychological mess -- insanity, lust, and animal urges and drives. And if the singer is an advanced artist, he will cause greater damage. Through his higher levels of achievement he will amplify the glamors and vanities of the composer and transmit them to the audience. This is how the prostitution of talents begins.

Thus, if he is criminal, a musician leads people into crimes with his songs. He leads them into dishonest acts if he is dishonest with himself. The voice carries the force of what the singer is, not of what he sings.

Each human voice is the manifestation of the hidden character of that man. It is not our words that affect people so much but the tonality, the frequency, the subtle electricity of our voice.

It is the same with music. Music carries the frequency of our consciousness. Thus we affect millions of people, sublimating them or polluting them through what we really are. The level of the composer may draw the consciousness of the listener to his own level, thus causing either a sublimation or a retrogression.

-Torkom Saraydarian
The Creative Fire

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