Dark forces create the urge for tobacco and drugs. Smoking tobacco or
marijuana dulls the pineal gland and the sensitive cells around it that transmit
communications from the Solar Angel. It is a very slow process, but eventually
the damage reaches large proportions. Chewing tobacco kills the hemoglobin of
the blood and opens the person to the invitation of awful devices.
People do not really realize the damage that has been done to our nation
through the spread of hallucinogenic drugs. Between 1960 and 1980 close to an
entire generation was destroyed. Drugs remain in the brain for years. It
sometimes takes as long as twelve years for a person to finally come to his
senses after he has used drugs.
The future lives of drug users will be very horrible if they do not take
drastic actions in this life to rid themselves of drugs and their effects as
much as possible.
If you have used drugs in the past and you want to purify your body of
them, drink lots of cranberry juice, run two or three miles daily, and sit in
hot water up to six hours, with intervals of rest. If you analyze the tub of
water afterward, you will find particles of the drugs are floating in it. This
treatment becomes even more effective if baking soda and salt are added to the
If you have used drugs in the past and have been clean for seven or eight
years, take a bath once a week in valerian root tea. Add two or three cups of
very strong valerian root tea to your hot bath and try and stay in the tub up to
twenty minutes. This is especially helpful for those who have suffered nerve
damage because of their past drug use.
-Torkom Saraydarian
Battling Dark Forces
1 comment:
Hello, I just stumbled upon your blog while doing some further research on hallucinogens relating to what they actually open up apertures for. I once used LSD and mushrooms and have done a lot of healing work around those experiences through an Andean Spiritual healing apprenticeship I am engaged in. I can pinpoint many ways how I was being manipulated during and around those experiences. I can also see how violently breaking into the astral realm calls for entities and that sort of thing. My question to you, is what are all these psychologists talking about saying how they are helping people with "depression" or "mental disorders" with hallucinogens and getting positive results? Do you think the patients are just getting totally infiltrated and no longer able to cry out like they were probably doing before (thus being labeled as "mentally handicapped")? I'm curious to know your thoughts or experiences.
Blessings :D
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