Saturday, September 28, 2019

In the month of Libra - Balance between spiritual and earthly values

Balance must be achieved between spiritual and earthly values. Earthly values are health, physical beauty, wealth, etc. Spiritual values are virtues, talents, skills, etc.

Suppose that you want to marry a girl who has health, money, and beauty, but she is irritable, irresponsible, and dishonest. How can you form a home with such a wife (or such a husband)? You need to see balance between worldly values and spiritual values. On the other hand, if the one you choose is totally lost in spiritual values, you will not be happy with him or her either. Suppose all day he meditates, prays, and reads, but he never meets his duties and responsibilities at home or in society. Or he is so abstracted that he is not useful in practical life.

We must choose life partners or even business partners who have material, earthly values and also spiritual values. Such a balance of values is a great gift and a tool for success and prosperity.

A man wants a beautiful wife, but also one who has moral and spiritual values. One day a friend of mine said to me, "My wife is the best cook, but when we sit down at the table and begin to eat, she starts fighting with me until the end of the meal, and the food turns to poison in me!"

When people are out of balance, they bring you irritation, depression, worry, and failure. People are out of balance when they serve one of the parts of their being and neglect the other parts. If one is serving his body twenty-four hours daily and neglecting his spirit, he is out of balance. Such people are sources of suffering and pain for humanity.

-Torkom Saraydarian
The Wisdom of the Zodiac, vol.3

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