Monday, September 09, 2019

The first symbol of Virgo is purity

The first symbol of Virgo is purity. Woman is instinctively inclined toward purity. To be pure means to be healthy. When a woman's body is healthy, the child she gives birth to will also be healthy.

In the New Age, woman will put a great emphasis on the purity of the body in all forms. She will not contaminate her body with any poison or artificial chemicals so that her body is really a temple in which the Divine Spirit can come and dwell.

In the New Age, purity of emotions will also be strongly emphasized. Woman must develop real purity of heart. Purity of heart means to have no emotions or feelings that are selfish or destructive.

For the future perfection of the human race, woman is going to impose upon herself extreme purity of body and emotions so that she gives birth to great geniuses. The Sage D.K. says that in the New Age, great artists will incarnate who will make the works of Michelangelo and Beethoven look like child's play. It is woman who will give birth to these great geniuses, but only the woman who really knows who she is; the woman who knows that she has the highest responsibility when she conceives a child; the woman who knows she is bringing a great gift to the world through her child.

If we give these ideas to our mothers, sisters, and daughters, what a change will happen in the world! Woman is the mother of all humanity. If we are going wrong, it is because of our women. If we are going right, it is because of our women.

The symbol of Virgo is the symbol of purity of body and emotions, and then purity of mind. In the future, the mind of woman will pass through a great transformation so that she is always truthful and righteous, no matter what happens. No matter what happens, she will see things as they are.

In my many years of counseling, I have found that in eighty percent of the arguments between husbands and wives, girlfriends and boyfriends, the woman is right; she sees things exactly as they are.

Women in the future are going to bring great changes in the world - physical, emotional, and mental changes. But all these changes can only happen if a woman achieves a high degree of purity. Only a purified mechanism can translate high-voltage energy; and when we are talking about a baby, we are talking about a condensed energy. A baby is an energy, nothing else. Energy takes form and becomes a baby.

-Torkom Saraydarian
The Wisdom of the Zodiac, vol.2

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