When you meet with pleasant conditions in life, savour them, but do not linger. And when life imposes difficult conditions on you, do your best to endure them until the bitter end. You will say: 'But why should we cultivate difficult conditions?' It is not a question of cultivating them, but of simply facing them so that you learn to become an adult. Children only like what is pleasant and sugary. Like the little girl who said in her prayers: 'Lord, let daddy, mummy and my little brother be healthy. And put vitamins in sweets and not in spinach.' That's children for you!
Unfortunately vitamins will never be found in sweets, just as spiritual vitamins will never be found in comfort and pleasure, but instead in work and difficulties. Only a true adult is capable of finding the richness and depth concealed in every test, in every bitter experience. On the other hand, prolonged joy and pleasure serve only to chloroform people, keeping them weak and far from the truth.
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